Certain Studies Associated with Bio Identical Hormonal Therapy

by Steven Brown

According to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the scientists studied post menopausal women who had a history of heart attack or coronary artery disease. The women were prescribed estrogen in combination with other either bio identical progesterone or non-bio identical progestin. After the completion of ten days, the women were undergoing treadmill test. When the results were compared to the non-bio identical progestin group, the time taken to produce myocardial ischemia on the exercise mill was improved in the bio-identical progesterone group.

The risk was that of blood clot with the use of the unnatural estrogen replacement therapy especially by the oral intake. The risk is substantially reduced when bio identical medicines are used as a combination. Another research stated that the risk of blood clots in postmenopausal women taking the bio identical hormone therapy Charlotte to the risks associated to the non-bio identical ones. The ones using the non-bio identical ones were found to have a startling 290% increased risk of having blood clots to the other group. The ones using the bio identical medicines were seen to have 30 percent decrease in the risk of blood clots.

One of the leading causes of heart diseases is atherosclerosis. This is hardening of the arteries. Several studies have stated that non-bio identical progestin actually promotes the formation of atherosclerosis. The picture is quite different for the bio-identical ones that actually inhibit this condition.

There is an increased risk of uterine cancer with the use of non-bio identical estrogen. Various literatures have further substantiated this result. In comparison, using of the topical lower potency estriol is not associated with the increased risk of uterine cancer. Other research also stated that using the intravaginal estriol actually have lower risks. Reviewing 12 researches have proven that intravaginal estriol did not cause the endometrial proliferation. This is basically abnormal growth of the cells lining the uterus that has the potential of becoming cancerous. The authors of all the studies concluded the following: “single daily treatment with intravaginal estriol in the recommended doses in postmenopausal women is safe and without an increased risk of endometrial proliferation or hyperplasia.”

However, other studies suggest that oral administration of estriol is safe for a short term. Topical application is best for long-term use. There are studies that have found that the increased risk of endometrial atypical hyperplasia and endometrial cancer because of the use of estriol, and not with the topical application of estriol. Using the topical bio-identical progesterone cream further reduces the risks to the endometrium.

Most of the research based their thought on the usage of oral forms of estrogen as the sole route of administration. For enhanced safety measures, the topical estriol is a better choice. Several researches have shown that both the transdermal and transmucosal estrogen actually has lesser risks than oral ingestion. Doctors having experience more than 20 to 30 years suggests that this forms of estrogen is more effective for the women symptom. The reason is for the orally ingested drugs are assimilated in the liver before being processed by other parts of the body. The women taking oral medicines have seen to have high levels of estrogen within 24 hours in their urine specimens.

There is evidence that suggests that estriol actually benefits to the cardiovascular system. Japanese researchers have found that a group of menopausal women who are given 2mg/day estriol had a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The next study compared those with the use of oral estriol of 2mg/day for ten months in 20 menopausal women. The elderly women had decreased amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides and actual increase in the beneficial HDL.

Other than the basic relief of menopausal symptoms of women during bio identical hormone therapy Charlotte, they also provide some long-term benefits like restoring the youthful hormonal balance with the medications. For example, the estriol intake actually increases the bone density. With the medicine, research has found that the bone mineral density increased in women. The next advantage is it enhances sexual and urinary health. It has been found that menopausal women actually suffer from urinary incontinence and recurring urinary tract infection. This is caused by hormone deficiencies. Lastly, estriol promotes the growth of youthful skin. As we age, the skin shrivels, and blood circulation is decreased. The medicine has potent anti-aging effects on the skin.

About the Author

The author thinks that along with providing relief to the menopausal symptoms, the bio identical hormone therapy Charlotte actually provides other benefits. To know more, please visit the website here

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