Winning Strategies
If you play, Play to WIN!
May 21, 2005 - The number of legal lotteries are literally endless and if you are inclined to play, by all means keep it legal. Playing a numbers game is at best a losing proposition, winning on the other hand makes the few who do, spill an emotion onto would-be winners, that drives this ever-present possibility that you could be next.
In my personal pursuit of gaming happiness, I decided to put a few things in perspective. It's best to reduce or minimize the odds of 'losing'. This can be done with a little investigative work on your part. Any time you choose to enter into a situation that involves money, it pays to do your homework.
Considering the odds of winning, say, Powerball for instance, the chances of winning the Jackpot are over 180,000,000 to 1. The odds of being struck by lightening are much greater than hitting the Jackpot, yet thousands upon thousands of people play weekly. The premise is, ‘it’s possible to win’ and it is, but it’s important to know how and when you should indulge in playing.
It’s interesting to know that “Quick Picks” are the most popular choice of playing. This is where you allow the machine to pick the numbers for you. Lottery companies love this logic. You are truly a novice to allow the company you are playing with, to also tell you what numbers to play? Would you purchase clothing that the merchant wants you to wear? Then why play the numbers that they want you to play?
When asked of the lottery officials; “What percentage of winners choose “Quick Picks?” They’ll tell you about half of their winners. Seems a split decision, right? Nope, ask them how many players choose “Quick Picks”? They’ll tell you between 75 to 80 percent. So, think about this for a second. If 80 percent of Quick Pick players win 50 percent of the time, then it stands to reason that 20 percent who select their numbers win the other 50 percent of the time. Which group has the better odds? Which group would you rather be in? If fewer people who select their own numbers win as much as the group who doesn’t, there must be something to investigate about the 20 percent group? Right?
If we take advantage of information, from statisticians who thrive on this sort of thing do, to reduce the probabilities, along with history repetition factors, you can greatly improve your odds of hitting a sizeable cash prize. In simple terms, there are people who are mathematically incline to reduce the probabilities by removing certain factors. The art of playing numbers has always driven those who think they can outwit the probabilities and increase their odds of winning to prove to themselves that it will pay off for them. You can gain access to this information without being a mathematician or statistician.
It’s important to discuss addictions. In every culture, there are and will always be, certain people who cannot control their attraction to specific vices. Whether it is gambling, alcohol, smoking, or drugs, the mind is our director of operations and if it is persuaded to ignore reasonable logic, it will fail to perform all functions with the clarity that it was intended to do. This is what addiction is and does. Recognize when you are not able to control your vices and seek help from someone you can trust.
If you do indulge in lotteries, and can control your playing, it can actually be a sustaining force that gives you an optimistic outlook for your own personal life. Knowing that you could choose between paying taxes or playing a lottery, what is the difference? When you pay taxes you are surrendering your hard earned monies to a group that disperses the money into so many directions you never really know what was done with it, but you feel it will never benefit you personally.
On the other hand, if you play a lottery, you have a more willing mindset, that you are giving to others your hard earned monies and knowing it will benefit others and at the same time it could benefit you . The ageless argument to raise taxes has always been met with opposition. If we were to switch our tax base to a lottery base what do you suppose would happen? Would we raise more money for funding needs or would we choose to participate less?
I venture to say, as long as an individual has the potential of gaining an instant reward, be it remotely possible, he/she will always release their monies more willingly than to be forced to pay a tax with no possibility of seeing an immediate benefit.
If you play a lottery, Play Smart! It is your money and you deserve to have as much information as possible at your disposal before you play. There is an old adage that say’s “Figures don’t Lie, Liars figure”, know when to play and when not to. If you want to access more direct insights on ‘Amazing Lottery Secrets’ Visit :
Keywords: lottery, winning, strategies, prizes, money, chance, secrets, odds, quick pick
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