The Power Of Personal Environments

by Helaine Iris

I’ve got to admit, I’m a big fan of comfort. I like it when things in my world are stable and reliable. For example, my home is my sanctuary. I live here, and I work here. I like it to reflect peace, order and beauty, so when a messy remodeling project was underway - like the recent replacement of a water-damaged bathroom ceiling - it affected me. I was stressed and cranky. My husband might not have been quite so generous and called me downright crazed.

Same thing with my physical body; I’m blessed with a high level of health and vitality. So, when something goes “wrong” like a recent eye infection (resigning me to a week of glasses versus my contact lenses) my stress needle hit the red zone.

You might be thinking, “This all sounds a bit extreme, especially for a successful coach who has a highly functioning life.” Well, you’re right…I thought the same thing.

Then I remembered…Thomas Leonard, known as the father of coaching, once said, “Success becomes sustainable when there are environments and failsafe structures which support it and which make you feel fully alive. And being fully alive calls you to play a much bigger game in life...evolving to your optimal potential to levels of greatness you never thought were possible.”

There was my answer; these two recent events reminded me about the power of our personal environments and what happens when they are out of balance. I had experienced chinks in my environments, and although I was feeling fully alive I certainly wasn’t feeling my own greatness.

As an entrepreneur your success and greatness, or lack of it, hinges on how well you keep the all the balls in the air. It’s your job to maximize the conditions that will nurture and assure your success. That’s where your personal environments come in.

Environments are not only the physical space in which we live; it is also our belief systems, our spirituality, our physical being (our bodies).

How are your environments? Is your home cluttered? Is your blood pressure high? Are your finances in an upheaval?

Whether you care to admit it or not, your inner life is reflected in your outer life. Clutter in your home or office space is a sign that your inner life is cluttered as well. If your material possessions are in chaos, you are living in lack and not taking care of yourself. If you surround yourself with negative people, should you be surprised when you feel negative too?

Here’s a brief assessment to rate your level of satisfaction in each environment. The list represents the primary environments that impact you on a day-to day basis:

On a scale of 1-10 (1-low, 10-high) how inspiring or satisfying are each of your nine environments currently:

Relationships _____

Network _____

Spirituality _____

Belief Systems _____

Intellectual _____

Physical _____

Nature _____

Self _____

Financial _____

How did you do? I invite you to start by choosing one of your environments, preferably one you scored lower in, and begin to improve it. Make sure to pick an area you can imagine being successful with. Start by identifying the benefits you will gain with the improvement. For example: if I improve my finances the benefit will be less stress and a more secure future.

Begin to create those sustainable and failsafe structures for your life and business. Give yourself the gift of possibilities. Start today.

It’s YOUR life…live it completely!

About the Author

Helaine is a professional coach. She helps entrepreneurs and professional women accelerate their professional success, while achieving a more complete and fulfilling personal life. For a free consultation, call 603-357-8546. Visit her website,, or email

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