Is Your Business Utilizing The Fastest Growing Marketing Trend, Since The Creation Of Websites?

by David DeCantillon

Myrtle Beach, SC - Integrated Media Solutions (IMS) is capitalizing on the next wave of high tech marketing, using interactive multimedia. Marketers have been waiting for this breakthrough since the inception of the Internet. Consumers can now interact with advertising messages, without any hard selling or even being online.

"Everyday businesses are looking for new dynamic strategies to market their products and services." says David DeCantillon, owner of Integrated Media Solutions, "We believe the tide is rising towards multimedia marketing. This new buying process will revolutionize the way businesses market their products and services."

In the world of self-service, consumers find what they are looking for, get the best price and move on. Companies need to find a way to interject this process by capturing their audience and smoothly lead them into a sale.

IMS has found a way to do that, using multimedia presentations or MMP's, as DeCantillon calls them. These MMP's allow prospects to point, click, read, listen, and watch, allowing them to make an educated buying decision, from the comforts of home.

Similar to having a website, MMP's give prospects freedom to make more knowledgeable choices without the distractions of being on the Internet. No more stress of hurrying to see what is behind website number two or being interrupted by those annoying pop-up ads.

IMS offers companies and organizations the best of both worlds by offering downloadable MMP's from a website or strictly using a CD-ROM direct mail piece, giving them the ability to go mobile.

"Interactive marketing is the fastest growing trend that goes beyond website creation. Making sales messages interactive with prospects, only means a win-win situation for both seller and buyer." says DeCantillon.

For a free demonstration, visit


About the Author

Owner of IMS (Integrated Media Solutions), including a resume full of small business developments created over a 15 year span. He's has also authored three "How To" business books.

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