Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter

by S. Housley

Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter - By Sharon Housley

Just as the second generation of search engines and directories evolved into niche topic specific portals we are seeing the same occur in the area of RSS feed directories and search engines. While some directories are admittedly more niche than others the trend is obvious.

Financial Industry -- If you are in the finance industry you can monitor currency exchange rates, bank rates and track investments using RSS feeds. Financial institutions have found RSS to be an optimum way to communicate CD rates, interest rates, currency conversions, and even investors are using to monitor stocks. Use RSS to track currency conversions, stocks, bonds, bank rates and other financial related information.

Locate feeds:

Financial Feeds - http://www.finance-investing.com

Security Industry -- If you are in the security sector, or just want to stay updated on any security alerts, you can subscribe to a multitude of security related feeds. There are security feeds for virus alerts, avian flu information, homeland security alerts, and system vulnerabilities.

Locate feeds:

Security Feeds - http://www.security-protection.net

Medical Field -- If you are a physician or part of the medical field it makes sense to stay informed of any news in medical fields. You can subscribe to feeds that discuss various exotic diseases, conditions, experimental treatments, and monitor drug trials.

Locate feeds:

Medical Feeds - http://www.medical-feeds.com

MedWorm - http://www.medworm.com

HubMed - http://www.hubmed.org/

NHS - http://www.library.nhs.uk/rss/directory/default.aspx

Health Career Job Feeds -- If you are in the medical field and interested in monitoring industry jobs, subscribe to RSS feeds for specific types of positions or specific locations.

Locate feeds:

Health Career Net - http://www.healthcareernet.com/feeds/feedsdirectory.aspx

Real Estate -- Are you looking for a new home, or perhaps just considering investment property. Subscribe to RSS feeds for specific regions, so that you are notified instantly when a new home becomes available in a specific town or area.

Locate feeds:

Realty Feeds - http://www.realty-feeds.net

ML Podcasts - http://directory.mlpodcast.com/directory/directory.php

RealtyFeedSearch - http://www.realtyfeedsearch.com/

Religion -- Is religion an important part of your life, but you don't have as much time as you would like? Consider subscribing to faith based sermons, or bible studies. Churches, ministries and are using RSS to reach their congregations, schedule events and even to broadcast sermons. Podcasting is becoming mainstream with young devout populations. The progression and adoption are a natural step as youth bring technology to their faith.

Locate feeds:

Religious Podcasts - http://www.religious-podcasts.net

Godcasts - http://www.godcast1000.com/

Church Podcasts - http://churchpodcasts.com/

Automotive -- If cars are your thing, a variety of RSS feeds exist from user car feeds to automotive news and car forums.

Locate feeds:

Automotive Links - http://automotive-links.mustangv8.com/RSS-directory/index.php

Legal Feeds -- If law is your area of expertise monitor weblogs with emphasis on the law or legal related issues and concerns, or follow court rulings using RSS feeds.

Locate feeds:

Blawg - http://www.blawg.org

Sports -- Are you a sports fan? Want to stay informed about your favorite teams or athletes? Perhaps you just want some tips to improve your game, sports feeds of all types exist.

Locate feeds:

Sports Feeds - http://www.sports-feeds.com

Sports podcasts - http://www.sportspodcasts.com

Educational -- Are you an educator? Education has always been a great source of collaboration. It should come as no surprise that teachers and educators are sharing their educational podcasts and RSS feeds.

Locate feeds:

Educational Podcast network - http://epnweb.org

Educational Feeds - http://www.educational-feeds.com

Political Feeds -- Are you a political pundit, attempting to follow politics debates or monitor the ins and outs of the latest political issues? Use RSS to stay up to date on your favorite candidates or issues.

Locate feeds:

Political Feeds - http://www.political-humor.net

Government Feeds -- Want to know what bills your representative voted for or perhaps you have a specific issue of concern you would like to stay current on. Subscribe to local, state or federal government feeds to stay abreast on the latest issues related to the operation of the government.

Locate feeds:

Government Feeds - http://www.government-central.com

Vertical search and niche directories are becoming authority sites in a crowded online world. These niche directories will help individuals in specific industries locate topics essential to their industries.

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About the Author

About the Author: Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll http://www.feedforall.com software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for RecordForAll http://www.recordforall.com audio recording and editing software.

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