Internet Home Business Tips For Article Marketing
One of the most important methods to promote your internet home business is article marketing. But there is much more to article marketing than just writing them. This article will give you some internet home business tips for article marketing.
There are many free methods online today to help you market your business. All these methods are good, some are very good, some of the methods are more effective than others and the best of all is article marketing.
Any article should start with a written text.
The first thing you need to know about article marketing is that when it comes to article writing, you don't have to be a writer, not all of us are born writers, and for some the art of writing can be a true nightmare. Never have any ideas, never know what topic to write about, and never know how to write a clear and coherent text. Have you ever tried to write about something you are passionate about? Try writing like you are writing to a friend and you are telling him all the news in your life, that's easy right? When you write a letter to your friend you tell him about your family, you children, your dog, your hobbies, you day at work.
It is easy, and it is just because he is your friend and you are writing about something you love and this is what make it easy, do you love your home business, you probably do, if you do then write about it to your "friend", you will find that writing about something that you love is easy just like talking about it. If you don't I suggest you search a new niche for your home business, a niche that you are passionate about and you can never stop talk about.
After you finished writing your letter to your friend you can make it look more professional and transform it to an article.
Article marketing will work for you only if you do a deep keywords research. Choose your main keywords and then do a search for a low competitive key phrase. Then use the keywords and key phrase in your article, in the title, body and resource box.
After making all the changes and inserting the keywords to your article, recheck yourself, check your spelling and your grammar, for some of us it is harder, English is not our main language, but you can go pass that if you article is good enough.
The second thing you need to know is the actual marketing part, it is all about advertising and distribution. Article marketing is a form of advertising, you need to spread the word, writing the article is not enough, it has to be read.
Submit your article to different article directories and get you article read. By submitting you also gain back links to you website, using the keywords you used in you article.
You can submit your article manually or if you can afford it use an article submitter to help you reduce to the time you work in front of your computer. Using and article submitter will also help you distributing your article to from 100 to thousands of article directories.
If you choose to go with quantity, it is very recommended to rewrite the article you wrote and use two or three different versions of the article, this way you make sure all your articles will be indexed by the search engines and not be considered as a duplicate.
The last thing you need to know is, no matter what method you choose to submit your article you will see the results, the more articles you write you will see that article writing will become easier as time goes by.The more articles you are distributing the more backlinks you gain and more traffic you will get to your website.
About the Author
Tanny Lahav invites you to visit and sign up for her internet home business training newsletter and browse her website for more internet home business tips and ideas. Search Internet home business ideas and opportunities for your next internet home business opportunity.
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