Tips For Making Exercise Fun

by Alice Seba and Mila Sidman

Just thinking about exercise probably makes you shudder. Let’s be honest—exercising is boring for the most part. But exercising can be fun enjoyable. Try these tips for making exercise fun:

1. Plug in your headphones. Grab your favorite CD before you head to the gym or go for a walk. Listening to music or audio books will make the time fly by. Before you realize it, you will have exercised for an hour.

2. Enlist an exercise buddy. Studies have shown that people who exercise alone usually do not keep their exercise routine. Ask a friend to join you in exercising. Create a plan that will work for both of you. Exercising is so much easier and fun when you have a buddy to chat with while you sweat.

3. KISS (Keep It Simple, Sweetie). If you are starting a new exercise schedule, don’t get fancy with it. Start out with a simple routine you know you will be able to follow. Walking and step aerobics are two really easy and simple exercises you might consider.

4. Get silly. Whatever you do, don’t let exercising become boring. If you do, you’ll never stick to it. Get silly with it. If you’re walking, listen to music with a faster tempo to put some pep in your step. Add a little dance to steps. Just don’t let it get boring!

5. Be nice to yourself. The best way to make exercise fun is to reward yourself for a job well done. Set a goal. When you reach that goal, reward yourself. If you have to, bribe yourself. Make a goal to walk thirty minutes per day, three days a week for one full month. Promise yourself that new handbag you’ve been dying for, but only if you meet your goal.

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