Why Being Kind to Yourself & Others Shapes the World

by Julianna Suranyi

Martin Luther King Jr once said: 'Life's most persistent and urgent question is: what are YOU doing for others?'

In 2011 we already seem to have experienced a cluster of early traumatic global occurrences. From devastating floods in my beautiful country Australia, landslides and floods in Chile, Argentina and China, a tragic train accident in India, earthquakes in Asia and New Zealand to more mass loss of lives through the infliction of man with suicide bombings in the Middle East region.

In asking my Guides what this year is shaping up to be, Elizabeth, my Highest Guide answered: 'life's most persistent and urgent question is: what are YOU doing for others?' Clearly, Dr King's message is needed right now everywhere in the world.

As an Australian I am proud and loud in my thoughts on how Aussies always look after not only their own, but those in need in general. As a Spiritualist, I have had my faith renewed by what I have seen and felt during my city's time of need, that being human unity and triumph.

We have seen all the media images of devastating natural and man-made disasters plastered all over the world, but what I love is that no matter what your creed, faith, nationality or gender, when a human is in pain we can put all this aside and bring forth all the capacity, love, strength and resilience that we, as a human race, can muster. It is not because we share the identity of nationality, but rather because we share the identity of humanity. This is what makes us citizens of our world and what we need to give to our next generations. As such, we can tap into a spirit within us that defies our logic and sets us apart as individual leaders.

But I have to ask: why do we wait for a tragedy to bring forth this humanity, unity and citizenship? Why do we need to be generically mustered into this identity of our strengths, resilience and kindness? Why can we not just show this as a value in our everyday functions so that when it actually occurs it is not so unique that we need to celebrate it?

What if every day we gave a little kindness to a soul including our own? A random act if you will; a simple gesture of faith in the beauty of the citizenship of humanity which then continues to develop our identity with honesty, love and a clear mind and heart?

We can't control what others do but we are in control of ourselves. In choosing to find answers and make choices that will benefit us and those we love, we can also choose to help someone in need. In doing something for another I always find that I benefit in ways that are unexpected and I know from sharing, helping and working with so many that others experience the same.

I also ask you to be kinder to yourself this year. Don't be so self-critical and you will be amazed at how your generosity for yourself will flow to others.

So let us think about Dr King's question and simply action an act that costs nothing but that can help to build a new world one kindness at a time in 2011. I think we can achieve this change. Dr King achieved many of his dreams.

About the Author

Professional Psychic, Intuitive Profiler and Spiritual Philosopher Julianna Suranyi helps thousands of people around the world with personal guidance, behavioral change and spiritual growth online, corporately, via courses and the media. Sign up for her free newsletter or ask about your 2011 now: => http://www.julianna.com.au

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