Common Reasons an Adjuster Might Use to Delay Payment of Benefits for an Injury Claim

by Jay Sadd, Esquire

The insurance claims process can be frustrating and fraught with delays. Our injury lawyers can discuss common adjuster-driven reasons for the delay in payment of benefits. While there is no guarantee of settlement, an experienced attorney can help navigate the claims process for their client.

The Revolving Door of Claims Adjusters

A common complaint injury lawyers hear from clients stems from phone calls to the insurance adjuster. Often, claimants feel they are getting the run around since every phone call leads them to a different adjuster. In many cases, Injury attorneys find that claims reassignment is company practice. Frustrated claimants often give up and fail to pursue their claim to avoid the hassle.

Another alarming reason for multiple adjusters comes from how the company may treat them. Many an overworked, underpaid adjuster simply leaves the company.

The Avalanche of Document Requests

When filing an injury claim, expect to respond to requests for medical and other documentation in support of your claim. Injury attorneys can greatly assist with this process. Too often, adjusters delay the processing of a claim by making repeated, piecemeal document requests. This can also come in the form of repeated requests for signatures on the same forms. Your attorney can work with the adjuster to make sure document requests are made all at once and can efficiently respond.

Insurer's Cooperation

An insurance policyholder will need to cooperate with the adjuster in order for the claim to be processed. Injury lawyers can discuss what that cooperation entails. The "cooperation clause" should never be used as a means of intimidating a claimant.

Delay by Committee

Another common delay tactic injury attorneys see is the "Committee Excuse." Adjusters often cite protracted committee review as necessary before paying a claim. As your injury lawyers know, this is often an inappropriate way to stall. The company may hope you simply give up in frustration. Let seasoned injury attorneys thoroughly review your claim and deal with the adjuster directly, if necessary. In some cases, the claims committee is pure fiction designed to buy time for the claims representative and stall payment.

Our injury lawyers have years of experience in dealing with personal injury claims and insurance adjusters. Call to schedule a consultation as soon as feasible after the injury occurs with personal injury lawyers that have the background and experience to represent your interests. Steps must be immediately taken to preserve evidence and to identify potential witnesses to the accident or injury.

About the Author

Common Reasons an Adjuster Might Use to Delay Payment of Benefits for an Injury Claim

The insurance claims process can be frustrating and fraught with delays. Our Atlanta injury lawyers can discuss common adjuster-driven reasons for the delay in payment of benefits. While there is no guarantee of settlement, an experienced attorney can help navigate the claims process for their client.

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