Key Factors For Housebreaking Your Puupy

by Cas

Ann Arbor, MI April 2007 - The key factors of housebreaking puppies are important in order for the puppy to be successful in it's obedience, as well as speed up the entire process of training. Consistency is extrememly important when housebreaking a puppy. This is self-explanatory.It is always wise to give your puppy access to the "area" frequently throughout the day to better the chances of the dog relieving itself outside. This will allow you to give extensive praise too, which will help greatly with the process. FYI - puppies do not acquire the muscle strength to hold their bladder until the 12-14 week mark. This does not mean that you shouldn't take them outside frequently, because you should nevertheless, to accomplish the training process a lot quicker.It takes time to potty train a pup. And Consistency is KEY. Always praise your poochie when it relieves itself. This will allow them to understand what they did was just excellent and that it pleased you so much. And dogs are made very happy when their owner is pleased. So when successful, you must react with great excitement followed by reward in the form of verbal as well as physical praise. Treats are good too!You must be patient when housebreaking puppies. It does not happen overnight. No major training can be successful overnight. Obedience is not necessarily something the comes naturally to dogs. But they do need to know who their master is, and obedience training, whether it be for barking, the potty, or biting, allows the owner to "control ' their dog for the better. You always need to train your dog in a consistent and compassionate manner for them to respond.You need to be consistent in showing your dog what behaviors you appreciate and those that you don't."Closely monitor your puppy to prevent messy mistakes, enthusiastically reward desired behavior every time, and if a mistake happens work out where you went wrong."Owning a puppy is a big commitment for all family members, especially in the first few days and weeks.Puppy potty training is not a race, the key is to prevent mistakes and establish good habits early - dogs are creatures of habit.

About the Author

Do you have a new puppy? Or a disobedient dog? Do you need some guidance will the ropes for training them? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then feel free to visit you would like more information on this topic, feel free to visit my blog at http://train-poochie.blogspot.comThanks for reading! Cas

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