10 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners

Money-Saving Tips For Dog

by Linda Kajda

10 Money-Saving Tips For Dog Owners

Americans spend more than 23 billion dollars annually on pet food, products, services, and veterinary care. There probably are times when you feel like you're financing the pet industry yourself. Although you won't want to skimp on your dog's health or nutritional needs, there are some ways to save money on his care. Whether you have one dog or a dozen, the following techniques will help your pet dollars stretch a little further.

1. One of the nice features of dog shows - besides seeing so many beautiful animals - is the plethora of vendors who set up shop to sell their wares to those who enter and attend the show. The products are often cheaper than products you find in a pet store, so relax and enjoy the show and stock up on pet supplies to save some money.

2. Clip and use store coupons on food and dog items. If you have more coupons than you can use, place extras in the pet aisles of your grocery store or donate them to a local shelter or animal organization.

3. Watch ads in your local newspapers for sales at local pet stores and pet warehouses. You may find buy-one-and-get-one free promotions or even obtain premium food and products at minimal costs.

4. Buy food in larger sizes that are cheaper on an ounce-by-ounce basis.

5. Shop at yard sales and flea markets to find items that your dog can use. You may be lucky enough to find inexpensive carriers, beds, bowls, toys, and other items. Be sure to clean them thoroughly before use.

6. Take advantage of manufacturers' promotional sales. These often come with added pet products for minimal costs. Although some promotions require you to send away for the products, the cost of postage is less than the cost of the product if you had to buy it.

7. Shop at flea markets for old wooden shipping crates. Line them with blankets for a comfy sleeping spot. And while you're there, buy old quilts or blankets for your dog's bedding. Again, wash them thoroughly before use.

8. Purchase dog beds that have washable covers to prevent replacing the beds as often.

9. Save your old towels and blankets for your dog to sleep on.

10. Fill an old pillowcase with a soft piece of foam rubber. Sew the end shut. You will have a comfortable, washable dog bed, and your dog will appreciate having a bed made from something that is yours.

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