Today's Maintenance Industry Professionals

by Michael Wormser

Today in the Maintenance industry, as in all others, there are universal issues and problems that are encountered by Management. Your success as a manager depends on your ability to analyze and correct these issues and problems. In order to effectively do this you must first have a positive relationship with your team. Maintaining a positive working relationship with your co-workers is fundamental for a successful manager. As issues and problems arise, your team will want to help contribute and assist you in correcting the issue at hand.

At this day and age in the maintenance field networking with others has become a major source of sharing industry knowledge. By receiving advice and tips from piers, by word of mouth, blogs or newsletters today's maintenance professional can locate the information they need much faster than searching threw manuals or surfing on the net for countless hours. By subscribing to online newsletters and blogs you can effectively find the answers you need from others in the industry and avoid losing valuable down time due to a machine or line being down.

"As maintenance professionals, we need to find the most cost efficient tips out there. It can prove to be a real benefit to already know the answers or where to find the answers for a particular issue, rather than having to go search for it. Avoiding costly down time, is the number one priority."

"I have seen some really great tips out there. Simple suggestions that you or I just hadn't thought about." said Chuck Mize, a Senior Maintenance Professional and Instructor. "Tips that can save you or your workers a lot of time."

Mize goes on to explain, "Use the plastic double stick tape hooks, place one on each Air Handling Unit and exhaust unit, in your mechanical room, and always have a spare belt hanging there. Additionally, the belt number is on a sticker on the AHU, near the hook."

Yes, this is very simple. But it also saves quit a bit of time, knowing exactly where your spare belts are and what the part number is. These are the kind of tips I'm talking about," explained Mize.

"There are just so many maintenance professionals out there that would love to share trade secrets that they, themselves have come across threw the years. As a maintenance professional myself, one of the greatest assets I feel we have today is our access to the Internet. It allows us to interact with others in our field and the opportunity join or subscribe to helpful websites such as, blogs, newsletters and groups."

About the Author

The information presented in this article came from a @sk database survey sent out to a database of over 30,000 maintenance professionls. Interested in more info on this subject

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