Services for Stress Related Eating

by Tanya Wiseman

When you are feeling run down, tired and stressed, it is easy to reach for comfort foods for a fleeting boost. Unfortunately, many of us are always living with sentiments of discomfort and aggravation that lead to general overeating. Stress related eating leads to weight gain, guilty feelings and poor self-esteem. Negative feelings feed the nervousness animal and worsen the cycle of overeating. Unless you act to control how you react to nervousness, you are likely to suffer from obesity, diabetes, hypertension or a heart attack.

Stress Related Eating

Many of us walk into the living room after work to face a bustling household, when we really need a few minutes of rest. Instead of taking time out for ourselves, guilt causes us to believe we should put our families first and we reach for the junk food. Many people do not recognize that nervousness is causing the afternoon craving.

Eating does function to relieve nervousness temporarily. The chemicals and energy in food alter your mood, but the relief does not last long. Once the emotional boost fades, we feel guilty for eating foods we know are bad for us.

Recognizing the Problem

Once you recognize that you have problems with emotional eating, you will begin looking for stress related eating management techniques. Willpower is the first solution many people try. Unfortunately, willpower is insufficient to overcome this type of problem, resulting in more axious feelings and overeating. You can learn to control this disorder through stress related eating hypnotherapy.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Many people think of hypnotism as a deep sleep state where your brain is controlled and influenced by the hypnotizer. This is an erroneous view. A hypnotized state is actually a state of being completely alert and conscious, but the body is relaxed. It is used to assist people with many issues like compulsive disorders.<br><br>What Happens in a Hypnotherapy Session?

In your first meeting, the hypnotist will have you either rest in a comfortable chair or have you lie down. He will then assist you into a state of relaxation, often with the aid of melodic music. He may ask you to concentrate on a focal point. The hypnotist will guide you through a series of mental exercises that will assist you to become deeply relaxed. You will be fully alert and conscious throughout the process and will retain full memory of the experience afterwards.

How it Works

Through repeated sessions, you will become more adept at reaching the state of complete relaxation. Over time, the therapist will bring you to the realization that your mind can control your emotions. You will learn that you have a choice of how you relate to nervousness when it arises.

Not Just for Overeating<br><br>Stress related eating hypnotherapy has other benefits as well. Because you learn to control your feelings, you will have a greater sense of self and gain self-esteem. Your new self-esteem will help you in other areas of life as well, showing you how to make decisions instead of instantly reacting to the stressors you are presented with in life.

About the Author

Tanya Wiseman writes articles for: Weight Loss Hypnosis

Or see more information on this blog: Emotional Eating Diet

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