The Only Thing That You Are Suffering by Elysha

by Elysha Elysha

If you buy into the storyline of believing yourself to be the transiency of that which passes away then pain, limitation, misery and suffering will be the inevitable result of such a belief and movement - for it is a movement. This belief that you have of yourself as being who you think you are - primarily this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through - is a movement away from and a furtherance out from the "you" that you actually are.

Who you are already is and it is already right here. You cannot get away from this "you" of you, no matter which way you turn or how hard you try - you simply cannot escape your self. You can however, lose yourself in the belief of who you think you are which will never be true of you and you will suffer that belief.

You can dress this belief of yours up in the most fanciful of costumes - philosophies and ideologies; "highs" of devotion and heartfelt praise; deep and wonderful mental movements; chanting up energetic storms - but it will still not deliver you of who you already are.

To enter this freedom of your heart you are going to have to let go, surrender and leave alone your moment by moment attempt to be who you think you are. There is just no way that you can get around this one. No matter how much you may manipulate your ideas or what you try and get up to, you are not going to be able to escape the absolute necessity of having to surrender and let go of who you think you are.

This is the only thing that you are suffering - your belief in and your consistent attempt to try and be who you think you are. If you turned the energy expended in your unconscious movement of trying to be this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, into the finding of the "you” of you that is already right here and flowing through your eyes, then you would begin to wake up to this "you" that you already are - who you are; it already is; it already is right here; it already is right here and flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through right now.

How could you possibly not be who you truly are and perpetuate the mischief and nonsense of who you think you are? quite easily, actually.

Until now, it has only been for those rare, ready and strong souls who would even begin to remotely do something about implementing the practises required for building up the energy and attention that had to be built up to break through the forces of resistance that continually bombarded anyone that was going to make a move towards truly being their heart.

Now of course, enough has gone down because of the "heroism" of those few who were involved in the "preparing of the way" for the divine one of all time to consciously enter into manifestation through the many mindbodies that are currently peopling the planet, for you to easily find this "you" of you and for you to stop at and as this one.

It still remains, though, that until the spark is "lit" in you for your desire to come home to the heart of all, you will have no interest whatsoever in this immediate stopping and dropping of what you are not. If you do nothing about it and hope for the candle to light itself then you are in for a very long wait indeed. If you are hoping to gain something to add to who you think you are then think again.

When a candle is lit the candle does not grow bigger; instead, the flame consumes the candle, deleting it. So too with the seeing and being of this "you" of you; it immediately relieves you of who you think you are; it unravels this mind informed mindbody of its mind informancy.

About the Author

To learn more about spiritual enlightenment visit Elysha’s website.

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