Poverty Is On The Rise!

Has Obama Increased Poverty?

by Shawn Parker

In the 1960 the working-age poor levels were so high it led to the national war on poverty. The poverty level in the United States is even higher now, according to the 2009 census figures. The recession that hit the United States in the first year President Barack Obama's presidency is a grim reminder that his stimulus packages are not working.

This new report will be coming at an unfortunate time for Obama and his party; they have only a few weeks before very important November elections, what's at stake, control of Congress.

The poverty rate increase will be another blow to the struggling Democrats to try and convince voters to keep them in control of the Senate and House of Representives. The rate of poverty was 13.2 before they had control of both Houses; it's expected to have increased to about 15.0 percent.

President Obams has stated, "The most important anti-poverty effort is growing the economy and making sure there are enough jobs out there." He said he is committed to helping the poor to achieve a middle-class status. He said, "If we can grow the economy faster and create more jobs, they everybody is swept up into that virtuous cycle." It all sounds wonderful but what is he doing about? Everyone knows if you have more jobs to offer people and the people are working, there'll be less poverty.

The six demographers, who were interviewed, said they closely tracked poverty trends and found in the 2009 consensus figures an increase in poverty rate. The new poverty range is anywhere from 14.7 to 15 percent. If these estimates are true, it means that 1 in 7 people in the United States are poor. That would be the highest single year increase since 1959, when the government started to calculate poverty figures.

The politicians' will say they are sadden by this new data but will again do nothing. That in itself is SAD.

About the Author

<p>Shawn has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness, recipes and weight loss, you can also check out the latest website on Triple Bunk Beds which reviews and lists the best Pine Bunk Beds for any family.</p>

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