Quit Wasting My Healthcare
Getting the best health care at the lowest cost
The new blog of Compass Professional Health Services called Quit Wasting My Healthcare is focused on helping individuals and employers receive higher quality care and stop losing money on senseless healthcare costs. Quit Wasting My Healthcare is written by healthcare experts: a physician and a former hospital finance executive. They form a team with integrated clinical and economic acumen that is so badly needed in today's healthcare world. The writers have seen the frustration, the inefficiency and the substandard care that is the US healthcare system from the front lines. The writers also have the data and have identified over $1 billion of waste in just one major metropolitan area alone. Employers are getting fleeced. Patients are not getting the care they deserve. Quit Wasting My Healthcare is your guide to the underlying problems and their solutions.
Quit Wasting My Healthcare takes insider provider know-how, turns it around and gives it to you in easy to understand language so that you can navigate the broken US healthcare system. Recent posts include topics such as:
(1) Using co-insurance to drive change (2) $1,000 CT scans of questionable (3) Price differences of over 200% even within network You'll find ideas on employer health benefit plan designs, thoughts on saving money when visiting the doctor, and comments on the politics of healthcare in the United States.
If you are a company CFO or president, if you work in employee benefits, if you are a healthcare professional or if you work in the insurance industry, then Quit Wasting My Healthcare is worth your attention. Not reading it is a lost opportunity to learn something smart about healthcare.
<b>About Compass:</b> Compass Professional Health Services was established in 2005 with the mission to help employers and individuals lower their healthcare costs while maintaining or improving the quality. Our employees and leadership bring unparalleled expertise in provider charge structures, patient guidance, and health satisfaction metrics. This experience uniquely positions Compass as a leader in employee healthcare support. Our services return control to the patient in a way that benefits the entire healthcare system. Better care, lower costs, happier patients - employers who use Compass see the difference.
<b>Mission:</b> The Mission of Compass Professional Health Services is to enable consumers and employers to receive and purchase higher value healthcare. Vision
<b>Vision:</b> The Vision of Compass Professional Health Services is to be the premier provider of information and services that shift consumer and physician behavior towards lower cost and higher quality care.
<b>Philosophy:</b> Every person has the power to become a better healthcare consumer.
About the Author
Dr. Eric Bricker and Scott Schoenvogel are founders of Compass Professional Health Services. You can find more information at CompassPHS.com
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