Save Money - Use Less - Do Great Anyway!
In an effort to save the Planet, cut down on consumption and spend less, my family came up with some excellent ideas that really work for us. First we made a plan of what we wanted to achieve and then we looked where we could implement it without drastic discomfort.
Here is a plan you, your family, even neighborhood might like to copy:
In order to achieve the objectives of using and spending less and also be Earth friendly in acknowledgement of Earth Day, have all participants meet to define your objective and then ask each member to contribute 3 or more ideas how to do it.
If possible, have a dedicated writer, who writes each idea down as it is suggested . That can be in a notepad or on a poster board. Briefly outline how to do the suggested ideas. Once you have a list of tings that were suggested, go over them again and then decide either as individuals or as a group to be responsible for their implementation and what exactly it is that makes it complete.
It is better to set a deadline for how long or by when the project is to be completed. Hold people responsible for their commitment but also consider rewards for successful outcomes. That can be for individuals or for the group.
Make adjustments for the age and health of each member. Young children or those with physical limitations must not be over burdened so they will not lose interest.
Here are suggestions of how to get started, however, your group might have even better ideas.
Recycle by using paper and plastic grocery bags more than once. Everybody is to remind shoppers to take the bags back to the stores. The kids had fun with that one, yelling before we left "take bags back" and rushing to get some to take back. We discovered that many bags were good for several trips.
Recycle packaging and make sure to cut out all tokens for school supplies from manufacturers. If you don't have kids in school, find a neighbor or coworker who does or contact a school directly. Check if unsolicited mail has empty pages and use for shopping lists, doodling etc. Recycle cans, bottles and newspapers. If you do not have collection services, find out if a local church, youth group or organization has recycling drives to earn money for their groups.
Use less: There are many places where using less is barely noticeable. You can cut many things in half or at least use less of it. Use half the amount of recommended detergent, cut dryer sheets in half, rip paper towels in half or buy the rolls with shorter towels. Use less sugar or fat in recipes. Turn lights off when you leave a room that is not used after you leave. Except for reading, use lower wattage light bulbs or get the high efficiency bulbs that use less electricity as well as last so much longer. Take shorter showers, turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Combine trips and get your shopping done with one trip instead of several to save gas as well as time. If you can walk or bike to work or school, do it at least some days. Do weeding and some pest control mechanically rather than using chemical sprays.
Saved money for treats: You will be surprised how a number of small adjustments add up to nice savings. If you can actually determine the savings, consider starting a piggy bank and use the money saved for something special. A family might use the saved money for a trip or a night out treat. Some special treats can be bought for individual children who have successfully achieved their commitment. That in turn will encourage everybody to keep on continuing the project or you can call a new meeting to do a different one.
We all can save money and resources by using less and still be doing great anyway!
About the Author
The author has a Home and Garden Decor business. She is also an avid gardener with many years of experience and likes to share her knowledge with others. Find great value here ==> For more information on pure organic oils ==> which offers a free report about the use of essential oils ==>
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