Nature Needs Us so Keep Animals Safe

by Katie Cleary

Animals by far have always been considered species which are secondary or rather adjunctive to the human species. From the olden days humans have been using animals for all possible activities ranging from utility to pleasure. It would not be wrong if one says that the day the human species was formed, it started using and to different extents exploiting all other living beings. In doing this, the humans conveniently forgot that they themselves are ‘animals’.

Now, after centuries, humans have finally realized that it is high time they stop this heartless and never ending exploit or else it will not be too late before the human species too becomes endangered.

Nature has it its own rule- ‘survival of the fittest’, but the Homo sapiens started slaughtering weaker species not only for their survival but also for luxuries and sport. This is where the balance was disturbed and species started getting extinct from the face of the earth. Wild animals were removed from their natural habitat and brought into surroundings which were not only difficult to survive but also a threat to their entire species. This brought up the urgent need for Wild Animals Rescue.

Fortunately, some of us have realized the devastation that has already been caused and the destruction that threatens to strike in the near future if not taken care of. The scenarios seem to be changing. People have come up organization which track captive animals, rescue them, rehabilitate them and send them back to the places where they belong. Such people and organization are a blessing not only to these poor creatures but also to the human species. Many such ventures started by well known people have a very good impact since the people following them also get involved in this noble cause of Animal Rescue and contribute towards it.

It is the responsibility of each of us that we too contribute in some way towards this Wild Animals Rescue. There are several ways in which one can do this. The best way is to donate money since money is a major hurdle in the smooth and continuous working for these organizations. Every organization has a variety of donation options and there is no compulsion about the amount to be donated. One can donate anything which suits one’s pocket. Many charities also provide complete reports on how the money donated by each donor was utilized so that one can be absolutely sure that one’s contribution was used for the cause promised. Some groups have started brands and boutiques where one can shop and the money collected from there goes to different Wild Animals Rescue programs. If contribution in cash is not possible for any reason, one can always volunteer for the different initiatives and ventures of such organizations.

Also, as social responsibility, one can educate people about their responsibilities in turn and stop them from committing atrocities on animals. One can inform animal friend organizations any such activities taking place. The least one can do is to strictly not use any animal products. Not having wild animals as pets is another indirect way to help the cause.

If each one of us decides to do Animal Rescue, slowly and steadily things will definitely change. If every human being contributes towards this, it will not be very long before all living species will be able to coexist peacefully without being a threat to each other. Even the smallest contribution from each one of us is going to bring about a very big change. It is our responsibility to respect and love all our fellow beings; human as well as animal. In this way we can give back to Mother Nature what we have received from her.

About the Author

Peace4animals Celebrity Animal Lovers and their Protest against using animal fur to make your planet greener. Learn more about peace4animals by visiting us at Organizations For Endangered Animals, Wild Animals Rescue and Animal Rescue

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