Self Certification Remortgages

Self Cert Re-mortgages

by Damian Youell

Self Certification Remortgages

If you own a house then one of the biggest monthly outgoings that you have will no doubt be your mortgage payment. A surefire way then to reduce your monthly outgoings is therefore to reduce your mortgage payment. For some this is easier said than done. The problem for contract workers, self employed people, freelancers or people earning bonuses lies in supplying poes or proof of earnings.

For the employed person supplying poes or proof of earnings is easy as all they do is supply 3 months payslips. But for someone who works for themselves and who will normally reduce the earnings as far as possible for tax reasons supplying 2 years certified accounts or a couple of years tax returns is not practical. The same is true for many salemen and women because many mortgage lenders will not take into consideration poes or proof of earnings that include bonus payments.

Introducing the self certification remortgage luckilly contract workers, self employed people, freelancers or people earning bonuses nowadays can apply for a self certification remortgage or mortgage. With this type of mortgage the lender doesn't ask for poes or proof of earnings but instead ask you to sign to say that you earn the amount you say.

To find out more about Self Certification Remortgages visit for advice and information.

About the Author

Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans and debt advice.

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