Quick Start To Setting Up Your First Blog

by Lynn Terry

If you would like to set up your own blog, just follow these quick and easy steps to get started. You’ll be blogging in a matter of minutes!

There are a variety of options for setting up your first blog, but I am only going to mention two of them here. These are the two fastest and easiest ways to get started blogging, and they are also the two best ways. One of them is even better than the other…

The first option is Blogger.com. I consider it second best. It is free to set up a blog there, and fairly easy to use. You can set up an account, choose a template, and begin blogging.

The second option, and the one I use myself and recommend to others, is WordPress. There are other options out there, but WordPress is free and widely supported.

If you already have a web hosting account, check with them first. Most of them offer WordPress as a free add-on within their hosting accounts, and it is a simple one-click install.

If you don’t have a hosting account, or if you wont be using the same hosting account for your new blog, I would recommend that you open an account with HostGator. For only $9.95 you can get an account that lets you set up an unlimited number of sites, blogs or domain names. So if you choose to set up additional blogs or websites in the future, it wont cost you any extra.

Most people who start out on Blogger.com, and decide that they want to move up in the blogging world, end up switching over to WordPress. This is the reason that I recommend you just go ahead and start out on WordPress. That way you won’t have to worry about starting over, or convincing readers to subscribe to your new blog when you make the switch.

But if you do start out on Blogger.com, I would recommend that you get your own domain name. Your domain name will be the www.myblogname.com. If you don’t register a domain name, your address will be http://myblogname.blogspot.com . If you choose to make changes later, you will lose any PageRank and incoming links that you have worked hard to build. So it makes sense to start out with your own domain name.

You can register a domain name for only $8.95 at Godaddy.com.

Here is your quick checklist for starting a blog:

- Pick a topic for your blog - Register a domain name for your blog - Check with your current host, or set up a hosting account - Use the one-click install within your control panel - Start blogging!

Once you set up your blog and begin blogging, you will want to explore all of the options that are available. There are many themes or templates that you can use for free, customizations that you may want to do, and of course techniques to promote your blog.

But first you have to get started... so go ahead and follow these easy steps and set up your new blog today!

Best, Lynn Terry

About the Author

Lynn Terry blogs daily at ClickNewz.com where she shares Online Business and Marketing tips. For even more tips on this topic, see her article on Blogger vs WordPress at http://www.clicknewz.com/782/blogger-vs-wordpress/

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