4 Proven, Easy Ways To Deliver Targeted Traffic To Your Website

by Jorge Pinkus

What are the most consistent and efficient ways to supercharge traffic to your website in a timely manner? (Maybe you know about these methods in some way but let's take a look at them, shall we?).

As a web developer, I soon concluded that building the website was only half of the work for my customers. Obtaining traffic was the other half.

The four main strategies that we'll talk about are:

1. Purchasing traffic - a very straigthforward mechanism, where you can be sure what you are getting. 2, Setting Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads.

3. Sending a message to your mailing list (that itself takes time to build) and,

4. To joint venture with another website owner. This implies that they send you traffic, and you split profits with them 50:50. You can use software to track the quantity of hits produced from their mail outs.

Let's review each one with more detail:

1. By buying traffic, you can target the markets already looking for your product.

2. For PPC ads, the biggest player here is Google. Surely you know it? When you run a Google search, the listings that show up on the right hand and top side can be bought by anyone. You pay a certain amount for each click. You can have traffic at your website 5 minutes after setting up a Google Adwords account. Other search engines also offer this 'pay-per-click' (PPC) service.

The next step after purchasing traffic is to monitor results. You can track the number of hits from various sources to focus on those that are producing sales.

Let's say you had four different advertising sources producing a total in sales of $4000 and you spent a total of $800. That's a profit margin of 500%. If you were able to see that the $40 you spent with PPC advertiser A produced $0 dollars in sales and the same for advertiser B. Advertiser C brought in $400 in sales but advertiser D brought in a spectacular $3600 in sales. You could then focus your advertising dollars on that source to maximize profit.

Every advertising campaign you run must have a tracking system with strong accuracy.

3. Emailing your list is the third method that becomes better with time. Since there are no overheads, you can theoretically create a huge rush of sales every time you send an email. Statistically, there's a better chance everytime you mail, since your contacts will buy the second, third, fourth time around. If they leave, you can send them a good-bye email asking them to return or offering a great deal so they eventually buy.

Knowing how often to email to your list is also essential. The important thing here is to aggregate value (sending regular free content, for instance). While asking them to buy something, send something free that is of value. Some people send emails three times a day and it works for them but in my opinion, the max has to be established at once per day.

4. Joint Ventures. The concept here is simple: other websites send out emails and place strategic links on their website to attract visitors to your website. You only pay them for the sales produced from any clicks. Generally 50% of the profits is the best since it's an equal share.The key here is to make it as easy as possible for you JV partner. Create emails for them, banner ads and any other promotional material that will help them.

JV deals allow you to generate traffic to your site in a short period and for you to build your mailing list rapidly.

So, here are they: the four proven method to get traffic to your website. Apply them today!

About the Author

Jorge Pinkus is CEO of http://www.TrafficExploreNow.com, a company that very well does only one thing: bring real, human, 100% unique visitors to your website, for as little as $25 per 3,000 visitors. Read his blog where he regularly publishes profitable ideas and easy techniques to get web traffic at: http://www.TrafficExploreNow.com/gettraffic

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