Discover How You Can Be Blessed with a child in no time!

by Veronica Anusionwu

Copyright 2006 The Lord Word On Healing Publications

Want to Learn How Prayer Can Change Your Life? Find Out How You Can Go from Infertile to Blissfully Pregnant in No Time at All!

I wanted to offer you an empowering prayer to help you through your day. When you can develop a powerful prayer life, you are sure to catch God's ear and his desire for your fertility will come to fruition.

Please always open your mouth and speak out your prayers in faith. The Word of God creates as we speak it out of our mouth. So speak it out. The creative power is in the spoken Word.

Today you can just spend time with the Lord and enjoy Him with these wounderful words. Say to Him : Father, I give you praise and I thank you. I thank you father that all you created is good and perfect.

I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Father in the name of Jesus I want to ask you today to bless me with a baby. You said if I ask, it shall be given me. if I seek, I shall find. If I knock it shall be opened unto me. Today I ask you Lord to bless me with my own child. I knock on your door in faith and I thank you for blessing me In Jesus name.

If anything is missing or damaged in my body, Your Word promises me creative miracles. By faith I receive it and thank you for it. I receive this creative miracle Father in the same way you did for the Cana couple, when you turned their water into wine to glorify your name in their life.

I thank you for doing the same for me.

Mighty God I believe that " ...Christ has already borne my pain on the cross and by His stripes I was healed." (Isaiah 53:6) From today I am totally made whole and I will continue to walk in praise and worship of your name Father, because you are faithful.

Because I serve the Lord my God, He has blessed my bread and my water. And has taken sickness away from me. (Exodus 23:25)

I can boldly say by faith "The Lord has blessed me with children and a happy home and will continue to keep me. The Lord God of my fathers has made me a thousand times more numerous and blessed me as He promised me! I am also rejoicing because I know that soon the sound of the cry and laughter of a baby will be heard in my home to the glory of your name. I love you Father and I thank you in Jesus name. Amen.

I truly hope this prayer has been helpful to speaking to your heart.

I love you. God bless you richly and make all your dreams come true.

About the Author

Veronica Anusionwu has devoted a portion of her life to bringing spiritual solutions from the bible to help many people. She is the author of "Woman You Are Not Infertile" a book that has helped many women overcome infertility. Her book "Who Said You Are Too Old To Conceive" covers all area of (Childbirth for the older woman). Sign up for her free weekly newsletter by visiting ( )

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