Why It's Time To Retire The IRA And 401(k)

by Chuck Oliver

A Tax-free and Market-risk Free 8.0%, 30 Year Rate of Return

Does that sound too good to be true? Well, it's not. So why haven't you heard about maximum-funded, indexed universal life insurance before? We hear Life insurance and think about the thoughts of death. What you may not know is there is a way to live your life insurance for the living benefits and the death benefits.

Have you heard about everything in the world? Do you know everything that exists? Probably not. In fact, you know only as much as you have seen, heard and experienced. People don't know what they don't know and you can't be aware of something you are not aware of. All of us are dependent on outside sources to feed us information. When it comes to indexed universal life insurance, the reality is that many people haven't heard of it, or if they have, don't understand it. Any why is that?

Indexed universal life insurance is relatively unknown because Wall Street investment institutions don't want you to know about it.

Wall Street would have you believe the stock market, IRA and 401k strategies are the traditional approaches to retirement planning, and therefore the wisest choices. But the reality is that these investment approaches have only been around since the late 1950's. Strategic life insurance strategies have existed since the 1800's. So, which type of planning is more traditional, in reality?

Many individuals depend on the press to keep them updated when it comes to investment and retirement strategies. But the press gets a lot of its advertising dollars from the banks and Wall Street institutions. They have a financial interest in keeping these institutions happy. Given that, which methods of saving and investing do you think the press will predominately report? Do you think the press will report things that are not favorable to the banks and Wall Street? And even if alternative strategies, such as universal life insurance, are reported on—do you think it will be on the front page of the important publications? More likely the reports will be relegated to the least-read spot available.

Tax-Free & Market-Risk Free 8.0% Return

So what does Wall Street have to offer? They claim that market indices earn an average rate of return of 10%. What is the actual compounded rate of return, however? The S&P index has earned 1.4% over the last ten years (on average through 2009). Over the last 20 years the average rate of return has been just 2.8%. Read that again—2.8% over the last twenty years! Factor in broker fees, taxes and other expenses and the return on your investment is even lower. Our indexing strategies used inside a max funded policy for living benefits has averaged over 8% the last 5 years alone. When most people lost 33% - 50% of their assets in 08% our clients lost nothing because of our unique indexing strategies.

The bottom line is this: when it comes to investment strategy, don't depend on Wall Street and their friends in the press to keep you informed. They advocate strategies that, quite frankly, haven't been successful. They're certainly won't tell you about other strategies that don't benefit them. Think for yourself and find your own sources of information. While Wall Street and the banks would have you believe that there are only a handful of investment options, you'll soon discover this is not the case. Strategies such as maximum-funded, indexed universal life insurance can provide strong returns with none of the market risk you'll face on Wall Street.

About the Author

Charles "Chuck" Oliver is an industry recognized wealth strategist and best-selling author who works with retirees and those who are about to be retired and their families who are uncertain about planning in and for retirement. Learn more at http://www.thehiddenwealthsystem.com

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