Slim Sexy Thighs - Get Them the Easy Way
Sexy and shapely thin thighs - it's a very elusive goal amongst so many unhappy women all over the world. Elusive, not because it's an unrealistic or unachievable goal - but because just about every woman doesn't know the real way to get eye catching, slim and shapely, sexy thighs. Here's how it's done.
A few weeks ago I had the rare chance to catch up with one of my 'hottie' female fitness colleagues at a womens' fitness seminar in Palm Beach, Florida. We started talking about the ways that ladies try to reduce their fat, flabby thigh areas.
These two ways are:
ONE: The Easy Way TWO: The Hard Way
The Hard Way was basically a long painful list of the endless wrong and self-destructive ways of 'attempting' to get beautiful thin thighs, ranging from hurtful heavy weights and awkward machine type workout routines to fake spa treatments (like body wrapping and cellulite vibration) to 'slimming pills' to crazy 'diets' to crazy cleansing juice fasts to miracle thigh lotions and creams.
There were a lot more that we touched on - but I think you get the message. We then got to the subject of the highly desirable, 'Easy Way' of getting slim seductive thighs.
This, of course, generally assumes that a woman has flabby, fat, thick and wide thighs - that she is very unhappy, maybe even depressed with, and wants to slim them down and tone them up.
The 2 of us agreed that the quickest way for a lady to get smoking hot thighs is by:
Rule 1: By following a properly structured, and targeted exercise routine, that focuses on the problem areas (in this case - the fat thighs).
Rule 2: By combining that program with the right type and amount of cardiovascular exercise for calorie burning.
Rule 3: By eating clean diet of common, nutrient dense foods - that can be found in any grocery store!
Rule 4: >Most Important< By committing to a simple lifestyle of 'fitness' habits that naturally result in a woman having 'those eye catching, seductive thighs' and a hot body to match, for the rest of her wonderful life. We should make note that 'slender or slim thighs' is a relative phrase - and many times can be replaced by 'thinner or slimmer thighs' - because, the reality is, 'too thin or too skinny' is not attractive or desirable either - and can be unhealthy and very unattractive also.
Which brings us to my helpful philosophy on fitness and life:
"It's all about balance. Proper balance, that is."
In other words - you can try to balance the wrongs things and that won't bring you the results you're looking for.
You must balance the right elements for to get the desired outcome and avoid worse consequences - in this case fatter, uglier thighs - and everything that goes along with that. Such as low self-image, baggy un-sexy clothing, avoiding social gatherings...
My fitness colleague (a former fat girl, herself) and dear friend, Victoria, agrees about finding a peaceful balance in your quest for a better, sexier pair of thighs - as she will be the first to admit that her life used to be way out of balance until she decided it was time to change her thighs, her body and her whole life, for the 'sexier' and the better.
About the Author
The Lady's Trainer, Joey Atlas, is the Creator of the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover, Trouble Spot Exercise Program for Women. Visit for more free tips and hot articles from Joey. He is also the highly touted author of Amazon Bestseller, 'Fatness to Fitness':
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