Android Application Development: Guidelines to develop an effective and scalable Android Web App

by Jerry Addon

Developing Android web application is totally different compared to the traditional website development. Mobile website development for a wide range of mobile devices brings a different set of challenges and issues for Android developers.

However, if you are a newbie developer entered into the Android Application Development and don’t know how to develop an effective and scalable Android web application or website, then follow the list of best practices in order to develop an effective and efficient web application or website for the Android Devices and other mobile devices.

1. Detect mobile devices and redirect mobile users to the dedicated mobile version of the website! It’s very simple and easy to redirect mobile users to the mobile version of the real website. You can accomplish this using server side redirects. Usually, this is done by sniffing the user agent string obtained by the web browser. Whether to redirect user to the mobile version of the real website or serve them the real one is decided based on the mobile string within the user agent. However, for the devices with larger screen, developers don’t need to use mobile string. They can allow them to view the regular website for the end users.

2. Always use viewport meta data to resize the web page in an appropriate way! While developing mobile websites for Android devices, you have to inform the viewport of mobile browser that how you want to render the web page of your website. To do so, you have to include meta data within the document <head> that will specify how you actually want the browser’s viewport to display or render the web page. So, make sure you use viewport meta data in order to resize the web page appropriately in all the mobile devices.

3. Always use mobile-friendly valid markup DOCTYPE! Most of the developers use XHTML Basic for the mobile website development in order to ensure specific markup language for the mobile website that works smoothly on all the mobile devices. Moreover, it doesn’t allow you to use HTML frames or nested tables that ruin the performance of your mobile website. So make sure you use mobile-friendly markup using XHTML Basic.

4. Never choose multiple file request for the mobile website! All of us are very well aware about the fact that mobile devices have very slow internet connection speed compared to traditional desktop and thus, as an Android App developer you should always try to design web pages that loads quickly. In order to improve the speed of the web page, you should always avoid loading stylesheets and script files in the <head>. You can use JavaScript and CSS directly within the <head>. Moreover, you should always optimize the size of files and images as this could also help you a lot to improve the speed of the website or web page.

5. The vertical linear layout could help enhance scrolling within the web application! Make sure your website or web page doesn’t require left or right scrolling. Users feel quite awkward scrolling left or right to view the information or contents. So, always use vertical linear layout to get rid of left or right scroll. So, always try to follow all the guidelines discussed above, specifically the newbie developers entered into the Android Application Development, to develop an effective and powerful mobile website for mobile devices.

About the Author

Addon Solutions is eminent Web Application Development Company firm from more than decade. We provide software development, Android Application Development, Web Design & Development, E-commerce Applications & Business Solutions, Open Source Applications based on Joomla, Wordpress, & Magento Internet Marketing, Database Management, Application maintenance & SEO.

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