Knowing Your Product Impresses Your Customer

Why Do Your Research

by Richard Cannon

I went to go buy something the other day and I started to ask questions of the sales clerk. I realized they had no idea what they were talking about. Either they didn’t know or just didn’t care. After a minuet or two anything they said was irrelevant to me because I didn’t believe in them and I didn’t have faith in what they were telling me. I felt anything they said most likely was a guess and I don’t want to wave my decisions just on guesses. I couldn’t hear them: I couldn’t relate to them: I couldn’t understand them, and I definitely didn’t buy from them.

Be the salesperson you want to buy from. Know your product. This goes back to “The Little Things”. There are a lot of salespeople who are great, in order to get ahead you need to take all the information about your product home at night and memorize it. Keep practicing until you know ever feature and detail of what you are selling. Also, know how it has benefited other clients. When customers hear success stories about your product it reassures them of its efficiency. It also lets them know you have taken the time to check in on your clients and that you really care.

You may not know everything about your product but you still need to educate yourself as much as possible. Be an encyclopedia for your product. Not so you can tell your client every single thing you know but so you have the knowledge to answer every question they have. If you are truly knowledgeable about your product you can successfully deliver.

It is a wise investment of your time to educate yourself because it increases the trust your clients will have in you. Just by knowing you will give out a positive vibration. A vibration of knowledge, strength, trust, and integrity. This will give your customers a strong confidence in buying from you. Trust me, when I meet a salesperson who has that persona of guessing, not caring and just solely out to get the commission: I don’t buy. Regardless of what you think, people feel the vibration you put out more than what you say. Have you ever went to buy something, wanted to buy but didn’t? Did you sometimes not understand why, you just had a bad feeling? What you felt was the vibration that salesperson was giving off. You can understand how powerful it was because it actually turned you away from something you wanted. Come from a position of strength. Know your product.

Go Get ‘Em!

About the Author

Richard Cannon, The TeleSales Recruiter started selling candy in school when he was 8 years old. He’s been selling ever since. In his 30’s he was looking for a sales job he could do from home that was in line with his purpose. He looked and looked and couldn’t find the right one. He swore some day he would make it easier for people to find great sales jobs they can do from home. He built a crew of work from home people, but couldn’t help everyone because they were not all passionate about what he was selling. So now, he assist’s salespeople in figuring out what their purpose is. Then he finds them an opportunity that is in line with that purpose. Now they make more money selling something they love. For more information, visit Cannon’s site at

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