Courage Is
Do you envy others who seem to have more courage? Are you ready to be more courageous? What does that word mean to you? I believe that courage is doing something even though you are afraid. This positive personality trait can make your life much more fulfilling and adventurous.
For example, when I was a high school Health Education Teacher in Brooklyn, New York, I noticed that my favorite part of the day was when I was able to help the students with their problems. My friends had also expressed their appreciation for the guidance I offered them when they had issues. I realized that I had a natural gift for counseling and wanted to pursue that career.
During the summer break, I decided to travel across the country to find a different place to live and study for a Master's degree in Marriage, Family Counseling. My goal was to check out the areas, universities, and job opportunities. I paid attention to my intuition and my heart. After a few weeks, I landed in Southern California and made my way up to San Jose. I loved the area and felt good about attending the University of Santa Clara. Then I had to make the big decision.
My excited part wanted to move there. However, another part of me was scared to leave my tenured teaching position, home town, family, and friends. My internal dialogue went like this, "What do you really want to do?" "I want to move to Santa Clara, but I am scared." "So what if you are afraid. Do it anyway!" Somehow my courageous part won out. I never regretted my decision. In fact, it has been an amazing, successful journey.
Can you relate to my story? Is there something you want to do but your scared part is holding you back? The following guidelines can help you be more courageous. I suggest that you put a check next to the ones that are willing to do.
I am …
1. Sitting in the driver's seat and taking control of my life.
2. Daring to be different and following my unique path.
3. Listening to my intuition.
4. Doing what I want and trusting myself to make the right decisions.
5. Following my heart even if I am afraid.
6. Making my own decisions and being honest with others and myself.
7. Accepting changes and flowing with them.
8. Dealing with my problems and asking for help.
9. Offering my opinions and communicating my fears and doubts.
10. Accepting abundance and allowing myself to succeed.
11. Admitting my mistakes and learning from them.
12. Trying again and doing new things.
13. Helping others reach their goals.
14. Showing I care, and loving others and myself unconditionally.
15. Allowing myself to be loved.
16. Believing in myself and fulfilling my potential.
As you can see, courage is much more than having the nerve to climb a mountain, ski, or jump off a high diving board. It affects every area of our lives. Many of my clients realized that they were feeling safe but not satisfied. When I helped them overcome thier fears and be more courageous, they were much happier. You also deserve love and a happy, fulfilling life. Go for it!
About the Author
Copyright 2007 by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, speaker, and author. Her newest book is, "ALL YOU NEED IS HART! Create Love, Joy and Abundance~NOW." A Unique Guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation. She offers international phone sessions, books, e-books, MP3 audios, teleclasses, independent studies, and a free newsletter. , 1-888-639-6390.
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