7 Career Success Secrets
In a competitive world every employee seeks to increase his/her job success skills and thereby increase their promotional prospects. These seven success secrets will help you.
Be early or arrive 10 minutes before time!
Let your employer know you are valuable. Doing an excellent job is of no help if the boss who promotes you doesn't know it, or thinks otherwise! It may even hinder your promotion. You'll feel good to do a good job, but unless it's backed by a promotion you'll feel frustrated and let down. So let your employer know by volunteering for any problems in the office and let your boss know who did it. Collect the credit to your account!
Show initiative. Be the new idea bringer! And then offer to take charge and implement them. Show leadership qualities here. Go the extra mile, even the extra millimeter. It's all sometimes you'll need to stand out from the pack! And do this all with a smile, let it be a joy, not a burden. Come up with fresh concepts and ideas and convince your colleagues to support your ideas. Never shy from a good challenge and when your colleagues say it cant be done, show them its possible and do it. Believe and bet on yourself, but always be accountable. Value yourself. When your boss looks out for a new project leader, guess who he'll choose!
Keep personal problems at home and personal. So if your boy/girl friend has dumped you deal with it outside of office hours and talk. Remember business is business and personal is personal. Some the most effective business leaders have been those who have successfully separated the two.
Never say words like "IT'S not my job" to a co-worker or the customer. Be prepared to work and when given a task give it your all, whether big or small. Be flexible and try to assist wherever possible to the best of your ability. This attitude will not go un-noticed in the long run.
Show an attitude of follow-up for all jobs undertaken. Delegate well to show good leadership skills. Collaborate with all the company's methods, goals, new working policies and generally play the team man. Be a team player but an inspiring leader at the same time. Keep your inbox to a minimum and keep all pending jobs to an appropriate folder. No employer likes to see a huge "pending" tray.
Keep up with the latest by reading books in your field. Keeping abreast of new ways to work, operate will show your boss you're seeking to improve your 'on the job success skills'. Be like a sponge and always keep a open mind. Observe, listen, read and ask questions. Know all you can about your company, its history, and its mistakes. Know your brand how it's made, what goes into its production. Otherwise, study you job in all its aspects. Above all know your goals or aspirations. Knowing them will give you a strong reason to excel in whatever field you choose and rise up.
When you deserve a promotion go to your boss with an updated list of proof and reasons to support your appeal. Don't be afraid to show the progress you've made the projects you've put together and your accomplishments. Otherwise these may go unnoticed. In other words. SELL YOURSELF!
About the Author
Sharon Alexander - Claim That Job For more information on how to manage your career successfully, and to get a free job hunting report, visit Claim That Job at http://www.claimthatjob.com .
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