Sigh......Life is too short......

by Zackery Lim

Many of us work day in day out every month earning a miserable amount of money we call income. And for this measly sum we trade in our valuable time and effort, which we can put to better use elsewhere, each and every day!

Have you ever taken a good look at the faces of the people around you on the bus or subway every morning to work? Don't you think they would rather stay at home? But everybody needs to work to survive, you say. Sure I agree. But that doesn't mean you have to physically go to work everyday!

I'm a firm believer of working from home and spending quality time with your family and loved ones. Working for someone was never my cup of tea.

Why shouldn't you work for someone? Working for someone takes your time away from what you should be doing. For example, everyday you spend working for someone, you are making him richer and yourself poorer. Your boss is using your time and effort, to bring more money in for him, and because you spend most of your time there, you have no time to make yourself rich. A simple but often ignored fact!

As your boss gets richer, he has the time and money to spend quality time with his family. And to continue with that kind of lifestyle require more money. Where does that leave you? More work! If you have not woken up before, you better wake up now.

Listen: Life is short, yes, real short. Why should big bosses and rich people be the only one to enjoy any good lifestyle? Every one is born equal and every one deserves to get the best out of life. That is why I'm an active advocate of working from home and for yourself. When you work from home, you decide your work schedule, you spend more time with your family and you work hard to make yourself richer, not anyone else.

With the Internet starting to boom again after the bust a couple of years ago, opportunities abound for anyone and everyone to seriously consider a stay-at-home career. In the future, small businesses will be the main driving force of the world economy as more and more people get fed-up with the bullying-tactics of big corporations and become their own bosses! With this in mind, the earlier you establish yourself in the cyber world the more wealth you can create.

Advantages of working from home:

1. Decide your own work scheduled, work from anywhere you want.

2. No more applying leaves or time off to take care of your personal affairs.

3. No more spending more time outside than in your own home which is where you are spending most of your income on, trying to pay off the mortgage.

4. Taking care of the kids, pick up that hobby you've always wanted to.

The list could on, but the most important thing about working from home is MORE TIME WITH MY FAMILY AND LOVED ONES! Well, at least its important to me.

I don't want to make this article too long, just to get my points across. If you are interested to know more and how I might be able to help you. Sign up for my free newsletter at:

About the Author

Zackery Lim is a firm believer of working from home and spending quality time with the family. He also publishes free educational newsletters dedicated to help people wanting to start a home business. Get your free subscription at and learn more about the resources and opportunities available to you. You can also get a website set up for you totally free at

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