How to Watch Someone Else*s Laptop Screen - With Your Eyes Closed!

by Jim Mercer

So there you are on a long flight tapping away on your laptop computer keyboard. You glance at the guy in the seat next to you and see that he has cranked his seat back and has his eyes closed so you ignore him.

But what you don*t know is - your seat mate is carefully watching your laptop screen even though his eyes are closed!

How can you pull off this seemingly magical trick? First, practice closing your left eye while leaving your right eye half open.

Then recline your seat back a bit. If you carefully rotate your head slightly to the left you*ll be able to see your target*s laptop screen with your right eye.

Should your target look your way, he will see your closed left eye and your reclined seat and will assume that you*re either sleeping or resting with your eyes closed. From his position he won*t be able to see your open right eye. This will leave him feeling relaxed and free to use their laptop in any way he chooses.

If you want to go all the way with this tactic, you can go to an optometrist and have them make up a pair of special glasses for you with the focal length tuned to the exact distance of the laptop screen. (approximately five feet)

If you fear such slick tactics might be used against you, you might consider installing a *filter* on your laptop. Several are available that make it almost impossible for anyone else to view your screen.

One popular manufacturer makes a filter that*s made up of hundreds of little black straws about a half inch long. When you view your screen you*re actually looking down these little straws.

In this way the viewing angle of your screen is severly restricted. Should anyone attempt to view your laptop screen from either side of you, they will see only a pitch black screen.

About the Author

Jim Mercer is the author of the popular eBook *Personal Privacy Secrets* from which this article was extracted.

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