How Does Internet Marketing Work?

by Jeff Schuman

There are people who have been promoting online for several years and really do not understand how does Internet marketing work. Let's look a little closer at the concept of Internet marketing in this article.

Marketing online is different than traditional marketing. In traditional marketing you are putting an ad out where people can see it and response if they are interested.

With Internet marketing you are promoting online to people who are specifically looking for what you have to offer. This has forced many offline businesses to come online and learn how to market.

Internet marketing solution is based. Millions of people will Google search a keyword phrase because they want specific information on solving a problem. As a matter of fact the people who make the most money doing Internet marketing focus on solving problems.

Many people think Internet marketing is easier than offline marketing. Think about that statement! If it really was easier more people would actually make money online.

Internet marketing takes a lot of effort and a lot of skill. Here are a few ways people do Internet marketing today.

1. Social networking. Facebook is the second most visited website online today. Twitter is in the Top 10.

2. You Tube. They are the third most visited website now getting over one billion visitors a month. Video marketing is hot because people like to watch videos that solve their problems.

One other important point about You Tube is they are owned by Google. Not only can you get traffic from video marketing, but Google will rank the videos on their search engine for targeted keyword phrases.

3. Blogs. These have replaced websites because of how easy they are to set up. Even ecommerce businesses use of blogs to interact with their visitors.

4. Images. Google likes to rank graphics and images on their search engine results. You can link these back to your website and drive traffic doing Internet marketing this way.

5. Email marketing. Build an email list of subscribers by promoting a capture page that offers something free in exchange for your website visitors name and email address.

As your list grows so can your income. his is a very hands-off way to do Internet marketing.

6. Backlinks. One of the ways to rank your site on Google is to increase the link popularity of it.

You do this by getting your website link on other people's websites. Google uses a formula that includes page rank to increase the value of your site, and therefore rank it for keyword phrases relating to the niche it is in.

One final point to consider regarding how does Internet marketing work is content still rules the Internet. Adding fresh content online in as many ways as possible is a proven way to do Internet marketing.

About the Author

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his Get Rich Online website. You will find a blue print to get rich online using tested passive income strategies. Explore legitimate and tested, long and short term passive income opportunities.

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