Why Your Credit Report Contains Bogus Information
Is there really bogus information in my credit report? Chances are that you are amongst the more than 85% of consumers and businesses where their credit report contains errors. What? Doesn’t anybody watch over this or police it? The simple answer is no. The attitude of the credit bureaus is that "we don’t make the news, we just report it" and they take zero responsibility for the ACCURACY of that information, they just report it as if it were fact.
How does this happen? Let’s backup a few steps first so we can understand why this is the case and then we can talk about your responsibilities. First of all, there are three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion), and chances are very high that all three of them have a DIFFERENT credit report on you or your business. The result is that when you apply for a line of credit or a loan, the credit score reported back will be different from each credit bureau, and could be different enough to where you would be approved if they got your credit report from credit bureau "A" instead of credit bureau "B" or "C".
Keep in mind that reporting credit is a business, and like any business, the rates charged to companies who report on their consumer and business loans is different. So say that two years ago your Visa company was reporting to Equifax, but this year they switched and are now report to Experian because Experian gives them better rates. It happens every day, this is just basic business. But the downside is that the records that Equifax was keeping on you are no longer being updated.
Now take that fact into consideration coupled with the fact that say every consumer has just 10 accounts that are either currently active or had been active at one time in the past 10 years. (And 10 is a very conservative number!) Now multiply the number of consumers (hundreds of millions) by 10 accounts each, and you end up with literally BILLIONS of records that the credit bureaus need to keep track of. It can be a database administrator’s worst nightmare.
So what you end up with is accounts that you paid off years ago still showing as having a balance due, accounts showing past due when you have not ever been late with a payment, and particularly if you have a common name, you end up with accounts showing up that you don’t even know about! All of these errors together comprise your ultimate credit score, which is almost certainly lower than it should be.
So what can you do about this? You can do plenty and you should start yesterday. Get a copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus and then go over each and every piece of information there with a fine tooth comb. When (almost certainly not "if") you find something inaccurate, it is your responsibility to dispute that item with the credit bureau. That is the ONLY way it will get corrected. The burden of proof is on the credit bureau to prove that their reported information is correct, and they do this by contacting the creditor and asking for verification, based on your dispute. If the creditor does not respond, the information must be removed from your credit report. If the creditor responds that it is accurate, then you have a beef with that creditor and need to contact them to get their report corrected.
The key point is that your credit report affects virtually every aspect of your life, and you need to ensure that the information there is accurate and reflects you in as good a light as possible. It is YOUR responsibility to get this done, nobody is watching over your shoulder to ensure your information is accurate.
About the Author
Jon is a computer engineer with a wide variety of skills and expertise in many areas. To get more information about Credit Reports and Credit Scores, please visit his web site at http://www.credit-help-center.com
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