Tips To Get On The Catwalk And Work It

by Stewart Wrighter

There are many young people who dream of making a living by walking down some famous catwalks around the world. Although this may seem like an unattainable dream, for some it does come true as long as they have their wits. Some care has to be taken since there are many unscrupulous companies around who only want to make a quick buck. To look for bona fide companies, try searching for 'modeling' or 'models' online to see what comes up.

We have all heard the rags to riches stories about how someone was discovered walking down a street one day. Although this does happen, for sure it is highly unlikely that anyone would be discovered like this. Indeed, there are virtually millions of attractive people out there who stand little chance of earning their living in this way. It is better to go the tried and tested route to ensure at least a modicum of success which could lead on to bigger and better things somewhere down the line.

Moms with cute kids often think that they can make a dollar or two by pushing the kid into something that they really do not feel comfortable doing. Indeed, if this is the case, then the kid could also end up being damaged mentally somewhere in the future. Most mothers will not act badly, of course, but for the few who want to get some attention then pushing the child is often the only way that they can feel important.

However, as with all work, for adults as well as children, the competition is fierce and many will stoop to dirty tricks just to have their way. If this is the way that some people act when the kids are young, imagine what happens when that child grows and there are many more people to contend with?

For those teenagers who want to try their luck in this game, the first thing they should have is a thick skin. If they are to be rejected over and over again, as most people are in the beginning, then they have to develop a sense of self-worth which is untouchable. If they can stay calm and positive while all this is going on then they can certainly stay the course which should see them working eventually. In the meantime though, they should also have another form of income to keep them ticking over until they get regular work.

A great agent is an absolute must since no one gets work on their own. An agent will also be given jobs to fill at regular intervals so this is really the only way to succeed for sure. However, as in all walks of life, there are those who just want to scam people and it is these that should be avoided at all costs.

Some 'agents' will promise work once a 'book' on the person has been created. Often costing several hundred dollars, these books are meant to advertise the person to prospective clients. A good agent will get this done and recover the cost only when the person is earning money.

About the Author

Stewart Wrighter has a friend on the West Coast whose daughter works for several Seattle modeling agencies. For more information on modeling go to .

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