The Ongoing Importance Of Physical Fitness
As children, we are told to get out and play as often as we can. It certainly seems to be of a greater importance with the latest generation, due to the amount of computer-based and screen-based entertainment that children seem to be obsessed with, but even previous generations had an emphasis placed on physical fitness. More than just a way to get us out from under their feet, parents encouraged physical activity both through organized sports like Little League baseball as well as informal neighborhood games like football and soccer. Even in school, this importance was stressed with daily classes in physical education and the annual Presidential Fitness tests.
As rates of childhood obesity continue to grow the current administration has placed a renewed focus on the aspect of physical exercise for our youth. Spearheaded by the first lady, the "Play 60" campaign has been embraced by a diverse number of organizations, from Major League Baseball to World Wrestling Entertainment. This emphasis on a healthy lifestyle tries to incorporate a wide variety of activities, including family hikes and competitive sports, to encourage kids to get an hour a day of physical exercise. The belief is that by encouraging a physically healthy lifestyle, they will feel motivated to be healthier in other parts of their life, especially their diet, and help to stem the tide of obesity.
Of course, a funny thing happens along the way. Kids grow up to become adults, and the carefree times of childhood are replaced with the overscheduled stressed out lifestyle of being an adult. Time becomes a premium, and very few people have the opportunity to continue participating in organized sporting activities, much less the access to any such league that might interest them in the first place. As with more job and career fields centered on the service industry and a more sedentary lifestyle, physical exercise is more important than ever.
Second only to time, and the lack of it, the biggest deterrent people cite when explaining why they do not exercise on a regular basis is a lack of motivation and knowledge. Without knowing the exercises they should be doing and the results they should be looking for, even with a membership to one of the many Miami gyms, they oftentimes fail to create a regimen on their own, and the only thing that gets lighter is their wallet.
Personal trainers are the key to long term success for people interested in living a healthy lifestyle. They have the knowledge and ability to help people from all walks of life to begin and maintain a healthy lifestyle. By continuing to be physically active and following a proper diet and exercise program long after they stop being a child, a person can expect to reap the benefits and enjoy a long and healthy life.
About the Author
Jack Terry is a freelance writer and fitness enthusiast who lived in South Florida for several years.
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