How to Draw a Military Vehicle

by Kristin Christie

Military vehicles are known for their tough physical appearance. Although they are not commonly seen in real life parking lots and roads, you can draw your very own military vehicle. Military Army Tank A military army tank is one of the most common types of military vehicles. It can be seen in almost every war movie as well as in every toy store. Military army tanks have been produced since the 18th century and they have been continually evolving up to present - thanks to the new innovations and technology. The military army tank made its debut in the British Army during World War 1. The base where all the wheels spin on is fondly called the caterpillar track. It was first designed in 1770 by Richard Edgeworth. The maker of the caterpillar track thought about making one because during those times, he observed that people had a hard time navigating through the muddy terrains. Now, the caterpillar track of the army tank is its primary asset and distinct feature. It makes it different from the other military vehicles. If you’re a beginner or if it is your first time to draw a military vehicle, a military army tank would be the perfect starting point for you. What You’ll Need • Pencil • Paper • Eraser • Coloring materials Step By Step Instructions 1. Draw a series of lines for the frame of the tank. You can start by drawing about 8 straight lines in a row and make sure that the longest line will be the third to the bottommost one. This line will serve as the huge cannon that would sit right where the cockpit is located. 2. Sketch the top of the tank by squaring off the machinery through the straight lines that you had drawn in step 1. 3. After sketching the top part of the tank, move to the part that is located beneath the cockpit. 4. Draw the long cannon barrel and outline it along the sides. 5. Sketch the outer lines to make out the caterpillar track and the wheels. 6. Draw the grooves for the upper part of the track one by one. 7. Sketch all the mechanical wheels and gears. 8. Detail the wheels one by one by sketching all the nuts and bolts carefully. 9. Color your drawing by using camouflage-related colors.

About the Author

Kristin Christie writes on topics such a Military Humvee for Sale and Army Tanks for Sale for Military Vehicles

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