Success – How To Win Like The Pros Do

by Jason Osborn

With today’s technology it’s easier than ever to see how much success there is in the world. Success is all around and yet it seems like most people can never truly achieve it. Why is it so hard for most people to ever reach the level of success that they really want to in life?Harvey Penick, who is the 1989 America recipient of the Teacher of the Year award and author of ‘Harvey Penick's Little Red Book ‘ sums it up with this quote, ‘ I learn teaching from teachers. I learn golf from golfers. I learn winning from coaches.’ In other words if you want to win and be successful in life, you need to have a coach that can help achieve it.This seems very simple but most people overlook it or think that they don’t need any help in life. But consider this for a moment. Suppose that you had a friend come up to you and tell you that they wanted to be a professional athlete. Not just any athlete but the best in his sport. You join in his excitement and ask him if he is currently playing in any amateur leagues to better skills, does he have a coach or a trainer, and what position does he want to play.He tell you that he isn’t on a team, doesn’t have a coach, and has no idea what position he wants to play. He then proceeds to tell you that he doesn’t need any of these things, he is just going to do it all on his own. Now, doesn’t that sound crazy? You know that if he doesn’t get the proper training that he needs to develop himself, he will never make it to the professional level and won’t even come close to being the best in the sport.Amazingly, this is how most people act when it comes to life. They want to be the best, have success, greatness, and achieve their full potential. But when you ask them what their plans are or who is coaching or mentoring them, they just look at you with a blank stare.Don’t go through the game of life without a coach or mentor who can help you train to reach your greatness.

About the Author

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'Get it free when you subscribe at: www.findyourgreatness.comJason and Rebecca Osborn have dedicated themselves to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through their Find Your Greatness Newsletter. Visit their website at:

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