The Laws Of Life According to Archangel Metatron; The Voice of God

by Glenn Harrison

My wife Jill is an Avatara; a person chosen by the Divine to deliver messages for the betterment of mankind. Here she is trance-channelling a message from the Voice of god:- Archangel Metatron.

Although the Archangels we are mostly aware of are specific to our planet, Archangel Metatron is the only direct connection to the Creator and manages the Archangels and Angelic Realm for all universes. Metatron wanted us to know about the Laws of Life; and this is what I penned:-

Archangel Metatron told us to remember that no one human is better than another. No life is more important than another. All are children of light, and as such no judgment or belief that one is mightier than another must be harboured. If you operate from an ego perspective, you will never be able to connect to us.

You must wish to share these teachings with others for the benefit of mankind, not the benefit of one's self. The rewards by working from this perspective will be many fold. A souls worth, is not merely measured by their material worth, although we understand the need and importance of such things. All we ask is that we do not lose sight of the end result: To free humankind and create A New Belief and understanding of God; light; the one true consciousness.

All humanity has the ability to connect with God; light; the one true consciousness. When you operate from within the heart, and follow your life's path in service to others and love, you will experience the Divine within and the real connection with The Creator. Progress cannot be made if we allow ego to build the notion of greatness or importance, for this goes against spiritual and universal laws.

The laws of life are:-

1. To respect all living entities, no living entity must kill or maim another entity.

2. To learn to love all living entities.

3. To share information and experiences.

4. To learn to understand differences and work together with those differences.

5 To serve each other.

6. To be honest.

7. To be loyal and respect each entity.

8. To treat others as you would also expect to be treated.

9. To be positive and thankful for life's experiences.

10. To attain peace and harmony with all living entities.

11. To be proactive and not reactive.

12. To create and manifest the light.

The only real lesson of life that everyone should learn, was first given to mankind through Jesus. Love God:- meaning 'love the light'; and love others as you would yourself.

This does not mean that you run around declaring love for someone you don't know and perhaps may not have anything in common with. This love is a respect and compassion that this stranger is on the same pathway as you; and this stranger is an integral part of your life, your world and the universes.

You must learn not to take the Bible literally. Let us show you an example: 'Hamartia' is the Greek word for sin. This is a term which was used in archery and it meant 'to miss the point'. 'Metanoia' which translated as 'repentance', originally meant to change perspective. The Bible has been translated literally as sin needs repentance; but really the lesson given was asking people to learn to stop seeing themselves as individuals and change their perspective; for they were missing the whole point.

Currently, you will find many people do not love themselves. This is because for too long now, the Bible has portrayed that they are born out of sin; that God feels they are unworthy and they must pay for their wrong doings. But for God; light; the one true consciousness, to exist, its continuance can only be sustained through love. Love is all that God; light; the one true consciousness, has for each being of light, for it is one and the same.

There are different degrees of love. The love you have for a partner, is different from the love you have for a child. The love you have for your parents, friends and associates is different from the love you perhaps may have for a cat or a dog. We can not put it any more plainly. Learning to love one's self in a non-egotistical way, and understanding that every living soul are one and the same, is the only way to attaining Nirvana: Heaven; connection with God; light; the one true consciousness.

About the Author

Glenn Harrison is an ANGEL MESSENGER. He was contacted by The ANGEL OF DEATH: Archangel Azrael, in 2005; and later, recorded messages from over 60 Archangels, Ascended Masters and Light-Beings. If you want more messages like these, get our first book 'Conversations with Archangels' FREE at :==>

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