What are The HPV Symptoms?
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HPV also called The Human Papilloma Virus can manifest in multiple forms such as:
- Plantar Warts - Common Warts - Flat Warts - Genital Warts
The HPV symptoms associated with each of these can vary enormously but also contains similarities.
Before going into details about the various HPV symptoms, I think it is important to warn you. The first thing you should do if you suspect you are suffering from any of the HPV symptoms is to seek medical help. This condition is very infectious and can spread very fast. You should also be aware that although the symptoms can be treated, the actual Virus is incurable.
The fight against the virus itself will have to take place internally. You immune system is the one you will need to fight against this virus. The bad news is that this fight can last a couple of years for your immune system to overcome the virus.
During this time you will probably display HPV symptoms and other signs. For a few of the HPV sufferers there will be no display of the HPV symptoms. These people will go around for a few years without even showing any signs of it.
In most of the cases the symptoms of HPV will display in the forms of warts.
Here are a few of the symptoms:
- Pink or flesh colored lesions - Single or multiple instances of warts - Moisture on the affected area - Itching - Burning sensation
As for the warts, an infected person can have them without even experience any discomfort. In those cases the infected person will display a wart or multiple warts without even having any of the other HPV symptoms.
On the other hand, depending on the type of warts you have, some people will experience extreme pain in the affected area. The warts will also have different aspects such as:
- large - small - raised lesions - flat
They can be singular or in some cases they can spread to multiple warts. In such cases they can take the appearance of a cauliflower.
Although the virus itself cannot be cured you can surely cure or remove the HPV symptoms.
There are multiple ways to help you accomplish this task. Probably the most commonly used is the surgical procedure. On top of that there are of course the use of natural medications and home remedies. Lately the uses of home remedies or “folk remedies” are becoming very popular to cure HPV symptoms.
There is of course the use of over-the-counter medicine. Note: The use of this kind of medicine can help you get rid of your HPV symptoms but it is very important to avoid using them if you are suffering from genital warts. This type of medication is way to strong to be applied in such a sensitive area.
If you are suffering from genital warts then the use of prescription medication is one way to go. The medication to use will depend on your preference but mostly on the type of HPV infection.
About the Author
If you are suffering from HPV symptoms and would like more information about herpes and genital warts, visit my website for more quality information. We offer the best herpes and Genital Warts Treatments available online.
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