Migraine Liberation Through Self Hypnosis

You Can Succeed

by Alan Densky

Even though the brain itself does not have nerves to feel pain, certain regions of the skull such as the scalp, face, mouth and throat have nerve fibers that are sensitive to pain and which can ache. Headache - or cephalgia - usually is used to describe any kind of pain that would appear in one or several of these sensitive regions of the skull.

Headaches can be put into two categories: Primary headaches, such as stress headache, cluster headache and migraine headache, which are not caused by any other condition; And Secondary headaches which are caused by a disorder.

Headaches are the most ordinary condition of the nervous system. Everyone will be affected by headache at one point in their lifetime, but for 55 million Americans, it is a common thing. According to the World Health Organization, one in 20 adult suffers from frequent headaches, with women being more at risk than men.

Headaches can be severely handicapping and may very negatively affect the individuals who suffer from them. Work ability is lessened for these individuals, which can be detrimental to their financial situation.

The ability to socialize is also diminished as the pain, or the fear thereof, may make people more irascible. People with migraine even have to always pay attention to the things they eat, the things they see, and even the things they smell, as certain strong or displeasing sensations may trigger pain.

Since headaches are seen as such a common, minor condition, people who suffer from them on an everyday basis also have to deal with the incomprehension of other people. This social barrier may also prevent people from seeking medical attention and looking for an appropriate treatment. However before being treated, your headache needs to be "identified".

We have already seen that there are two main types of headache: Primary and Secondary, each subdivided into several different subcategories. Their symptoms may vary as well as their causes and, obviously, the way they can be cured. That is why they have to be diagnosed by a doctor so that you can receive an adequate treatment.

Stress headache, also referred to as tension headache, is the most typical type of primary headache and is responsible for an estimated 90 percent of all headaches. It is traditionally considered stress-related or related to musculoskeletal problems in the area of the neck.

Tension headache is mostly episodic and may last from a few minutes to a few hours, but may last for many days in the most severe cases. It is generally described as a constant pressure, generally on each side of the head, or spreading around it, occasionally also affecting the neck.

Migraine is a little bit different and is thought to most certainly have a genetic origin. Migraines are caused by the release by the brain of pain causing inflammatory substances, which spread to the nerves and vessels in the head. Migraine usually occurs once a month and persists for a few hours, with other symptoms such as nausea and intolerance of regular levels of light and noise.

Cluster headaches generally occur frequently and are short lasting. They are also extremely painful. They happen in clusters of 6 to 12 weeks and every one or two years, usually at the same period of the year. The pain is extremely sharp and affects the entire head, usually starting with the eye, and then affecting the forehead, nose and mouth. It is much more rare than some other sorts of headache and primarily affects men.

Headaches are typically treated using over-the-counter pain killers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol. A doctor could also tell you to avoid some common causes of headaches like noise or certain foods.

Caffeine, Magnesium and Vitamin B2 have also shown to be effective in the treatment of migraine. Drugs are however costly and may have negative side effects, particularly for people who must use them on an everyday basis. That is why you may want to think about a different way of preventing and fighting the several sorts of headache.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis were indeed proven to be effective and can help you to eliminate pain in any part of your body, including your head, as well as trying to be more relaxed at the same time. Stress is one of the first causes of headache, and adequate hypnotic methods exist to eliminate both stress and headaches quickly.

People who have migraine or cluster headache are generally able to feel the first symptoms before it actually occurs, and could learn self-hypnosis techniques to get rid of them before they become too painful. Hypnotists who understand how handicapping a headache can be have developed these techniques.

Hypnotherapy is a drug free method of treatment and will help you find the break you have been looking for. Headache is a grave affliction with several variations, affecting millions of people worldwide. Learn to overcome it and to relax with the soothing method of self-hypnosis.

About the Author

Alan B. Densky is an NGH certified Hypnotherapist. He has developed a very effective headache relief hypnotherapy program. His Neuro-VISION self-hypnosis site also offers a free video hypnosis blog, MP3 downloads, and a thorough hypnosis article index

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