What Is The Perfect Office Chair?
Office chairs come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Ergonomics tells us about a healthy design for the office chair. Chairs can come with adjustable parts. Yet, the human body also comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Some are tall some are short. Some require a bigger chair width and some would prefer a smaller width. Sadly, the body cannot be as flexible as an ergonomic office chair! Although, it is not possible to find the 'perfect' office chair to suit everybody, it is quite possible to adjust us to all types of seating arrangements.
You do a lot of sitting around as part of our lifestyles. You sit at park benches, at home in front of the TV, in the car and spent most of your time in the office sitting on the chairs. With so many different types of chairs, it is not possible to lug around the 'perfect' chair.
You have to deal with whatever is available at the restaurant, on the airplane or in the bus. A heightened awareness of how you sit can help you to adjust to the office chair. However, you can try to get the perfect office chair because that is very much within your reach. This is important because a wrong chair can wreck havoc on your back.
Even if you are not able to get the "perfect office chair", you can always use the Alexander Technique. Alexander Technique is gaining popularity nowadays. It helps to make proper use of the body and enhances coordination and efficiency of movement.
The Alexander Technique is used in sports, dancing and acting but it can also be used to improve everyday activities such as walking or sitting.
The technique reeducates the body and the mind and shows how the head, neck and the torso are used. The idea is to hold the head in such a way that the length of the spine and neck are not shortened or curved.
No amount of ergonomically designed office chair can force the body into the correct posture. It is up to the body and the mind to sit in a healthy manner so as not to injure any body part.
The mind has to be aware and not preoccupied. Every couple of minutes, the mind should check the posture and the body has to cooperate. Over a period, the correct posture comes automatically without too much effort.
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