The 404 Page Money

make money using your 404 page

by moonswamp adanma

Have you ever visited a website, but typed in the wrong url after the domain name? What did you see?

Chances are you saw a generic page that said something like, "The page cannot be displayed," or "Not Found," or "The requested URL was not found on this server."

This is what is more commonly known as the 404 Error Page. It's the page that shows up by default when someone 'accidentally' types in the address of the page they are looking for on your site incorrectly.

Now, in many cases, it truly happens by mistake. However, in many other instances, people end up on this page because they are snooping around trying to look for your download page or thank you page without having to pay or opt-in. Kind of shady, but people do it.

Why, not capitalize on it whether they are doing it purposely or they are truly ending up there by accident. If you have your own website and it gets traffic, some of your visitors are ending up on that page. Now, if they are seeing the generic message that their browser shows them when it happens, then you are not making good use of your web real estate.

Every page of your website can put money in your pocket. Even your 404 error page. You can customize that page just like any other page on your website.

Some ideas to utilize on that page include:

-Making an special offer at a discounted price. -Having it be a squeeze page. -Making it an Adsense page. -Redirecting it to a related affiliate product.

Those are just a few of the many different, yet profitable types of ways you can make good use of your 404 error page.

It won't make you rich, but it definitely will put some extra money in your account. Maybe it will help you pay one of your bills, or you can just reinvest it into your business.

Either way, if you don't customize this page, you can be leaving money on the table. Having something for your visitors to see that end up on that page is extremely more beneficial to you then not having anything on that page.

Here's to making good use of every page on your website.

If you want to learn even more effective methods to make the most of your 404 Error Pages, then make sure you visit Make Money Blog

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