How to Plan Leisure Goals So You Enjoy Life Better!

by Carmelle Smith

Do you feel guilty each time you take the weekend off and go hiking? Do you think you’re wasting your money on your annual golf club membership? Do you find that following the current trends in leisure activities leave you unfulfilled and unhappy? Do you plan of doing a relaxing activity after work but ends up thinking you don’t have the time after all? If your answer to one or all of the questions above is a resounding yes, then here’s something you need to know: you’re depriving yourself of finding pleasure in your life. After all the stress and pressure of everyday life – the demands of family, friends, colleagues, and community – can be pretty overwhelming at times. You owe it to yourself to get some time off – to get away from all the hustle and bustle of your daily routine – a time to relax, unwind, and meditate. A time for yourself and a time to enjoy whatever activities you want to do and the best way to do that is by setting leisure goals. Are you the nature lover? Then go camping or hiking… In love with the sea, sun, and sand? Pack up your towel and sunblock lotion and go to the beach! Are you the athletic guy/gal? Get your gym bag and go for an adrenaline-pumping tennis match at the local tennis club. Want to do something different just for the sheer fun of it? Then try white river rafting or maybe scuba diving. Or have you always wanted to learn another language or skill, maybe learning Japanese or how to cook? Then sign up and enroll in a cooking class or buy a book or CD on how to speak and write Japanese. Setting leisure goals allows you to get most out of life by giving time and effort into activities you enjoy. Most people feel guilty when they find that they are enjoying themselves doing something that is not work, something that has no monetary interests, something purely enjoyable. Leisure time and activities are nothing to be guilty about! If truth be told, they are essential to your life. So don’t let someone stop you from setting leisure goals, you deserve to relax, enjoy, have some time off and not think about work, family friends and the whole of society and their problems! Nurture a positive attitude towards leisure. Setting leisure goals is one way to maximize the pleasures of life and you don’t have to be guilty about it; it is your right and privilege!

About the Author

For more goal setting tips and information, please visit

Carmelle Smith - passion, wit, and fun - health and well-being.

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