A Comparison of Spanish Schools with Traditional and Modern Alternatives

by Ken Ingraham

When you are seeking to learn Spanish, there are a variety of options to consider. The key is to sort through the various possibilities to find the method that best suits your learning preference. Many students are currently choosing to participate in one of the Spanish immersion schools that are now offered in South America. But how do these programs stack up with the other more traditional educational options?

College Courses

One very traditional way to learn Spanish is to take a college course. Of course, there are various benefits that go along with studying at a university. When you take classes at a college, you can earn credit for a bachelor or associate degree, and there is a very structured format to follow. You will have classes at set times each week and homework to help reinforce the lessons. There is usually a good social atmosphere at most academic institutions, so you can take advantage of clubs, activities and parties.

On the negative side, the classes can be quite large. This factor means that you may miss out on the benefits that come along with smaller classes, such as individualized attention and a more engaging environment. Another problem with participating in a college setting is that many students are just focused on their grades and certification and are less interested in the learning process itself. Further, if you have a full-time job, you may quickly find that college courses conflict with your schedule.

Online Courses

Online courses are increasingly gaining in popularity and offer various positive elements. For example, since you will be attending classes on your computer, you can work on your own time-frame and fit your studies in with your schedule. Courses via the Internet also provide a structured environment, as you will still have tests and assignments. Students can also earn college credit for these courses much in the same way that they would if they attended a university.

Computer Software

You can also purchase computer software dedicated to teaching the basics of foreign languages. Roseta Stone is the leading software for learning a language. Similar to taking an online course, computer software allows you to work with a flexible schedule and you can study at home.

However, online courses and studying with computer programs are not for everyone. Keep in mind that you will be spending a great deal of time in front of your computer with virtually no human interaction. As a result, many people find it difficult to stay focused. Additionally, when you are learning in your home, you may find that it is difficult to get motivated. There may be a wide variety of distractions including family, television and chores.

Learning Spanish Abroad

So what are the advantages of attending Spanish immersion schools? In contrast to most colleges, you will have small classes, often made up of only 4-7 people. You also benefit from intensive learning, as you won’t have an entire course load of various subjects to distract you. Plus, these programs can also be extremely social. People from around the globe hope to meet new friends while they learn Spanish abroad. Levi McFarland, a student who recently studied in Buenos Aires, stated, “The classes are arranged so that you meet many interesting people from all over the world, while also offering a fun, challenging environment in which to improve your Spanish. The teachers really care for their classes, and manage to make each day an absorbing experience.”

However, there are a few factors to consider before signing up. It is important to realize that you will need to travel in order to learn Spanish abroad. While many people are excited to go abroad, others don't like the idea of going beyond their country borders. Consider your personality type and whether or not you love visiting new lands and exploring new cultures. Another potential issue is that in South America the schools are largely unregulated. This means that you really have to do your homework and research various programs to make sure that you are selecting one of the best ones.

While college classes and self-study programs can be helpful for beginners, Spanish immersion schools in South America have a great deal to offer when it comes to really mastering the language. If you love traveling and want to be fluent in the language, studying Spanish abroad can be the perfect solution.

About the Author

Latin Immersion focuses on Spanish language schools in Latin America. You may study at one location or combine (curriculums are coordinated between schools). For more information => http://www.latinimmersion.com/program.html

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