Using Training Videos are more interesting than Using Manuals

by Steven Brown

Corporate event video does add depth and dimension to the otherwise boring affairs. Even with its immense potential businesses often, shy away from using these video. Others fear the false assumptions and do not employ this method. In reality, videos can add a dynamic and engaging element to your event and thereby become vital features of the future events as well. The following are some of the mistakes that should be best avoided when developing the event video production:

Think it’s not affordable venture

When you think event video production, you think of ROI. If the videos in the past haven’t been able to create the same buzz or lived beyond your event, than video production can be too expensive. If you haven’t ventured into video production, because you thought it to be too expensive, than you have missed out. The smaller form of cameras have produced video in many manner, however, advanced technology and gear have changed the very face of video production. Making superior quality videos without paying Hollywood prices is possible now. With the amount of capital invested in the event, presenters travel and other things, the video production will make all efforts and investments worthwhile.

Fail to develop an effective plan

Everything needs planning and when it comes to creating corporate event video, people assume that video production is the plan. Know your target audience and be aware of what is the message that you want to convey. It is important to know that video enhances the event and be smart to place the video at the appropriate time within the event.

Asking irrelevant questions

The video production service is like all other service. You may need to conduct an extensive interview with the production company beyond the breakdown of the quotes. One can always ask the following:

• What is production company’s approach and overall cinematic style? • What are the previous projects and don’t forget to watch the videos from previous events • What will be the format of the video that the company delivers their final product in? • The total turnaround time before shooting the video and its completion • What are the repurposing the video after the event for sharing it on various social media outlets?

Duplicate content or ideas

If you saw a great video at a competitor’s event or on their blog, it is not a good idea to copy their format and content. Your objective is to become the thought leader in the market and not the follower. The unique selling points should be found- these act as the guiding points for the video project. The video experts provide their creative input and some unique ideas can be generated from the films.

Film only for posterity or a mere digital recording of what happened

It is important to film for the future and not have a mere recording of what happened in the event. The video can be made more than putting on the shelf wherein little bit of planning and creativity can actually convert it into a multimedia message that goes viral. It will successfully attract clients and prospects who would like to utilize the creative energy in the video.

Procrastinate until the next event or next year

It is important that the same excuses be not made every year. The video content is where market is proceeding. It is time to jump on board. Once the video has been added and the prospects seen of what it can achieve in the event, you may wonder what the reason behind the delay was.

Getting stuck in the rut

It is important to implement new methods instead of sticking with the same template, the same graphic or the same production company especially if they fail to provide the same results. The market has changed. With social media and mobile revolution, you need to implement the changes accordingly. Tell a new story every time or approach the event from a different angle. Increase and improve the professionalism of your video production.

About the Author

The author thinks that video production Melbourne is rapidly gaining popularity as videos are considered a secured platform. To know more about the different services, please visit us here

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