How To Reduce Seminar No Shows

by Jenny Hamby

Tired of Seminar Attendees Registering For Your Event … and Then Not Showing Up? Here’s Why They Skip Your Seminar … and 4 Ways to Get Them to Your Event

By Jenny Hamby, the Seminar Marketing Pro™ Certified Guerrilla Marketer and Direct-Response Copywriter

You’ve gathered your registrations, reserved a meeting room, maybe even sprung for coffee, tea and snacks … only to be disappointed when less than half of your seminar attendees show up for your event. And two questions race through your mind: 1. What went wrong? 2. More importantly, how do I get people to show up?

To gain some perspective on the first question, put yourself in your prospect’s shoes.

You’ve been putting out fires all day at the office. At 5 minutes to 5 p.m., the boss drops off a report that’s due by tomorrow afternoon. Then your spouse calls to see if you’ll make a quick stop at the grocery store, which reminds you that your anniversary is the next day.

By this point, you’ve either forgotten the seminar altogether … or the idea of skipping in favor of vegging on the sofa all evening grows mighty appealing.

No-shows tend to be the biggest problem with free seminars, simply because registrants have little invested beyond the few minutes it took to sign up. Here are 4 ways to boost your attendance:

1. Remind participants that they’ve signed up. Call them the day, or even a few hours, before your seminar. 2. Reinforce the benefits of attending. Reiterate what they’ll learn … and how this information will help them achieve their goals.

3. Bribe them. Offer a free gift upon arrival.

4. Charge a little. If people know that they’ll lose money by not attending, they’ll be less likely to skip. Instead of offering a free workshop, consider charging $10 to hold a seat and refunding the fee at the door.

About the Author

Jenny Hamby is a Certified Guerrilla Marketer and direct-response copywriter who helps speakers, coaches and consultants fill seminar seats and make more money from their own seminars and workshops. Her on- and offline direct marketing campaigns have netted response rates as high as 84 percent -- on budgets as small as $125. For more free seminar marketing secrets, visit

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