Some Tennis Tips to improve your game!

by Gavin Dye

Consistent and systematic training is essential to any tennis player. This "sharpness" that can mean the difference between winning and losing can only be acquired if the body and mind are are in tune. Here are some tips to give you that "sharpness" on the court.

Getting regular hours of sleep, and eating regular, well balanced meals at regular hours are necessary to keep the body at its highest efficiency. Food is particularly important. Eat plenty of energy foods like pasta and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. but do not over-eat, particularly immediately before playing. Do not eat very rich food, as it tends to slow you up on the court. Avoid rich, heavy food before going to bed, as it is can to make you lethargic on the court the next day.

"Staleness" is the great enemy any players who plays tennis day in day out. It is literal a case of too much tennis. Staleness is seldom-physical weariness. A player can always recover there strength by rest. Staleness is a mental fatigue due often to worry or too close attention to tennis, and not enough variety in the training. Its symptoms are a dislike for playing tennis or even being in its surroundings, and a lack of interest in the tennis game when you are on the court. If you start feeling like this it's time to take a break from training.

Go to the theater or a concert, whatever it takes to completely take your mind off tennis. Do your worrying about tennis while you are playing it, and forget about that bad shot once you are off the court. Always have some outside interest you can turn to for relaxation during a tournament; but never allow it to interfere with your tennis when you should be focusing on your game. A nice balance is hard to achieve, but, once attained it can be a great aid.

A couple of points should be observed before and after a tennis game. Do not get cold before a match, as it makes you stiff and slow. Do not stand around without covering up after a match when your muscles are still warm or you will catch cold. Many a player has acquired a touch of rheumatism from wasting time at the end of a match instead of getting in the shower while still warm. That slight stiffness the next day may mean defeat. A serious chill may mean severe illness. Do not take the chance. Don't hang about in damp clothes between matches if you are going to another game later on in the day. Not only will it make you feel better, it will also help to avoid the risk of catching a cold.

Regular and dedicated Training will always win a match for you if you stick to it. Spasmodic training is useless. Train sensibly and plan your time. You need to ask an expert before setting out on any new training programme. Why not contact the local gym for help? When training on or off court, think about the quality of your shots first, and then worry about quantity and consistency.

About the Author

Gavin Dye is the webmaster at, where you can get some great free tennis tips and advice

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