The Singles Event…
Copyright 2006 George Siegal
My video production crew went to cover a singles event recently; our goal was to get material for new segments for the program. It was very interesting to see how people approached spending their time at this event.
We saw three different styles working: One was the person who seemed motivated to be there because it was a great opportunity to meet other single people who most likely were there for the same reason.
The second was the person who was there reluctantly, almost out of desperation. You could tell by their body language that they weren’t excited to be there, and the crew and I commented person after person “Hard to imagine why they are single.”
The third was the person just out for a good time. They may be single, but they didn’t seem depressed by it. We discount the stripper and the Kid Rock Impersonator; they obviously had an agenda for the evening.
Now there’s no guarantee that the person with the good attitude would meet the love of their life, but at least they had a fighting chance. The negative person didn’t have a prayer; the stripper and the Kid Rock knockoff didn’t have a clue.
The evening was a great example of you reap what you sew, you get what you deserve, the cream rises to the top, and on and on and on. Having the right body language is no guarantee that Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful will wander by and you’ll live happily ever after, but at least you have a chance. And that’s all we can really ask for in any opportunity, a chance.
So what should a person act like when attending one of these singles events? I like what relationship coach Amy Schoen advises her clients. She says when you go to an event, to walk in with an intention such as, “I’m going to meet a very nice and interesting person tonight”. She encourages her clients to think in positive terms instead of the negative such as “I will come up short again!” She tells them to give this a try and see what happens.
Body language at an event can tell the story. The stripper and Kid Rock were easy to figure out, but there were others who just oozed I don’t want to be here, or I dare you to try and meet me!
There may be exceptions, but I think most of us are where we are for a reason. On our little singles outing most of the reasons seemed pretty obvious.
About the Author
George is one of the creators and hosts of You can catch his blogs and videos at . You can learn more about George and his Production Company at , or .
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