Hair loss Drug propecia for male baldness, hair loss.


Hair Loss Baldness can be caused due to a variety of reasons. The main cause of baldness can be your genetic make-up. Hormones and age also contribute greatly to baldness. Baldness which is inherited may cause hair loss usually at the temples and the crown. Other causes of baldness are as follows: Iron-deficiency or anaemia Under active thyroid Fungal scalp infection Side effects of prescription medicines Stress So how does baldness process actually take place? Baldness is caused due to an excess of a chemical called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which causes the hair follicles to shrink till the hair becomes thinner and thinner till they become completely inexistent. If you want to prevent baldness and re-grow hair, there are scores of baldness treatments available online. Simply scan the Internet and you'll across miracle cures for baldness, from herbal topical lotions to hair implant surgeries. You will also come across cosmetic treatments such as wigs and hair thickeners. Most of the baldness treatments are ineffectual and you may be more or less disappointed with them. Your only hope is to take resort of clinically proven medication backed by medical authorities, Propecia . Buy Propecia and this latest drug for baldness will help you to stop further hair loss . Many people who buy Propecia also find that they are growing back those hairs which they once thought were lost. So you also stand a good chance to grow back the hair you loved and lost. So how does Propecia work? Propecia belongs to the class of drugs called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. 5-alpha-reductase is the enzyme which causes the conversion of testosterone into DHT which is responsible for shrinking hair follicle. Inhibition of DHT with the help of Propecia stops hair loss. If you are wondering whether you should buy Propecia or not, the following will help you to arrive at a better decision: Propecia has gone through a clinical trial and more than 900 men were given Propecia whereas 600 other men were on a placebo It took three moths before the benefits of Propecia showed up Out of all men taking Propecia, 66% men reported hair growth On an average, a bald patch sizing 2.5 cm in diameter grew 107 extra hairs However, before you jump to conclusions and buy Propecia, consider these: 1.8% men taking Propecia reported decreased sexual desire, difficulty in achieving erection and reduced semen volume. However, men who were on placebo also reported to have these problems, so whether these sexual problems are side effects of Propecia or not is difficult to say. In any case, it is very important for you to consider everything before you buy Propecia.

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Webmaster associated with online pharmacy "" this site provides various information on Propecia and helps people in curing Hair Loss, resources are available on site

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