Million Pixel Page Major Flaw in the Internet Marketing Newbie
by Wayne Hagerty
The Internet Marketing revolution is upon us with changes in the way people search for product, information and services. A change in the way we market our websites and receive traffic if done correctly.The Million Pixel Home Page Internet Marketing phenomenon is the newest craze for searching and website exposure. The results are coming in with tremendous promise. This NEW advertising super billboard has attracted a ton of curious eyes and as of now does not seem to be slowing down. The Million Pixel Home Page all began with one college students vision to help pay for school and has exploded into a mass of carbon copies spreading like wild fire across the internet. All is doing very well in collecting and filling up their Pixel Advertising Space. Large and small Internet businesses taken advantage of the emense Buzz created by these super Internet Marketing Million Pixel Page billboards.These Million Pixel Home Pages vary from different topics and names but all seem to guarantee minimum 3 years your site will be up and listed / internet marketed on there pixel grid. Sounds great Huh?I have explored the net and researched a number of Million Pixel, Million Dollar Homepages and have discovered a major Flaw in most of them. The Flaw is that most of the sites have absolutely NO plan set up to continue bringing in traffic long after the Pixel Grid is full. No design or plan on how to keep visitors coming back after the initial buzz is gone. So the 3-year (or more) guarantee micro ad listing is literally useless.My point is this when deciding to participate in this great Internet Marketing platform and it is a great even amazing traffic generating system, before the initial Internet Marketing Million Pixel Page investment be sure to shop around. Look for one that has a long-term plan for continuos traffic. Look for one that creates Buzz for the full shelf life of your ad realty. You should get the most out of your investment as possible, look for a Million Pixel Homepage with the most options available and a real long term marketing plan.This Small but important decision could be the difference between 6 months of high traffic or a minimum of 3 years of high traffic and sales. Which do you prefer?The Million Pixel Page will generate continuous traffic for a number of years if you take the time to investigate, avoiding the quick hitters and find a real Internet Marketing Million Pixel Page business, one that has a plan for long lasting website promotion. You will benefit greatly.
About the Author
This article was written by Wayne Hagerty certified Search Engine Internet Marketing professional with years of experience. To get continuos traffic to your own business and website is as simple as visiting the Million Pixel Page a new hot online traffic generating system. Learn more about how his unique Internet marketing platform can bring your site continuos high volume traffic for years to come. Get traffic now at:
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