Want More Superman? - Watch Smallville Episodes Online

by Ivan Cuxeva Jr

Like any kid that grew up in the 70s, there were two films that came out that completely blew me away – the first was the original “Star Wars” movie, and the second was the first “Superman” film. Being a huge comic book fan, I was amazed at how they brought Superman to life so well.

That love for the Man of Steel carried through to my adulthood, so I was more than curious when it was announced that a TV show would be made charting his younger days. Thankfully, “Smallville” has more than kept up the quality, and actually helped to enhance the Superman legend.

New Beginnings

What I really liked about “Smallville” is how the program makers treat the subject matter in an adult manner. Made by Warner Bros. television and telling the story of Superman’s early years – well, actually, his human alter-ego Clark Kent’s early years, as he hadn’t become Superman at this stage – “Smallville” is both a wonderfully-scripted and wonderfully-acted drama that deals with teenagers, coming of age, and the realization that you stand out from the crowd.

What makes the difference for me is Tom Welling, the actor who plays Clark Kent. Mixing just the right feeling of teenage angst coupled with a vulnerability that sees him often struggling to cope with the realization of his powers, he’s up there with Christopher Reeve for his portrayal.

Kristin Kreuk makes a very sweet Lana Lang, but the other star of the show is Michael Rosenbaum, who plays Lex Luthor, Superman’s future arch-nemesis. And with its seventh season about to air in September this year, it’s this kind of chemistry and acting talent that keeps “Smallville” fresh.

A perfect example of this is in the episode “Reckoning”, from Season 5. This is an extremely powerful and brilliantly acted episode, and actually made me cry. Clark eventually opens up and tells his secret to Lana. While this may have led to a “euphoric” show, given that Clark doesn’t need to hide from the world anymore, there’s a tragic accident where his foster dad Jonathan dies. It’s a powerful episode, and one of my favorites.

Recognition for “Smallville”

What really makes “Smallville” stand out for me, as opposed to most other shows on TV, is that it’s not just the fans who appreciate the quality and faithfulness of the show, but the critics love it too. It’s already won two Emmys, as well as EIGHTEEN specialist press awards, and been nominated for 81 other awards in its relatively short lifespan.

The print media loves it too – Rolling Stone magazine cited the series as “unique, inventive and often moving”, while Seattle Times rated it as “warm, smart and imaginative… will satisfy both the Superman traditionalists and newcomers”. And you know what? I couldn’t have said it better myself!

About the Author

IC endorses Lucas Day a TV addict who also writes articles for Download Smallville episodes and other TV shows. For information on how to watch Smallville episodes online visit http://smallvilleepisodesfree.com today.

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